A big thank you goes out to Sabrina. She made me up some curtains for around the bottom of the layout. Looks much better!! Looks kinda like the Al Borlen layout now lmao. I like it.
Got the GG1 all serviced up, and running reliably now, finally. She is a bit power hungry! My ZW is the only transformer that will run it reliably. She’s a little heavy for the top loop, but it’ll do for now. Think I need to invest in another ZW for all this postwar goodness! The TW does ok for the single motored units, but it does not like my dual motored F3’s, and what not... Maybe retire it for accessory duty.
I did a little research on the restoration of this unit. I forgot to take a picture, but inside stamped on the body is restored by E. Welz. Apparently this was the go to guy for GG1 restorations, and his pieces are fairly sought after. Thought that was pretty neat.
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