Came across a crazy craigslist add for nothing but postwar Lionel for sale last night. Guy has a garage full of “duplicate” stuff that he wants to get rid of. He wants to get a car in the garage, so he is trying to liquidate some inventory.
Of coarse I had to head right over today! LOL I didn’t get to see his actual collection in the house. The garage itself was jaw dropping. I could only imagine what was inside. He’s a very nice gentleman. I hung out for an hour or so shooting the s#it with him, while he let me go through the tip of the iceberg.
Any ways, on to the goods! Here was the tiny haul for today.
Check out these bad boys!! These are hands down the nicest postwar set I now own. An all original set of 2354’s. They are immaculate. Unfortunately these ones don’t have their original boxes, but I think I’ll live lol.
Surprisingly as beautiful as they are, they do show signs of quite a bit of run time. The rollers on the powered unit are wore down to almost a nub.
The guy mentioned they haven’t been on a track in at least 30 years. He picked em up in a collection back then, and they were just displays for him.
They do run after being checked in a test. I let em do a couple laps once home. Planning on a complete service for em tomorrow, and a new set of rollers so they are good to go.
Also had to grab this dispatching tower, and search light car. The tower came with its original box, microphone, and instruction sheet!