Odometer suddenly working … intermittently


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
So a couple days ago my speedometer cable started making some noise. Still looking for suitable lubricant. Today while driving my odometer suddenly started rolling! Lasted about 5 miles before stopping again. So obviously it’s not broken, but when I get it all apart in June to fix other problems, what should I be looking for to make sure it works all the time and doesn’t break in the near future?

Hmm, that trip odo seems to be a major drain on resources alright. My main odo works for about 90% of the distance, as far as my GPS odo can measure, with my trip odo fading out, then coming back on. I figured the speedo cable is worn, and have a new ATP one, which I haven't felt any compelling need to install, just yet.

I've seen some NOS odometers around. Reckon one is worth getting?
Hmm, that trip odo seems to be a major drain on resources alright. My main odo works for about 90% of the distance, as far as my GPS odo can measure, with my trip odo fading out, then coming back on. I figured the speedo cable is worn, and have a new ATP one, which I haven't felt any compelling need to install, just yet.

I've seen some NOS odometers around. Reckon one is worth getting?
I’m gonna pull the cluster this Sunday and get to work. I’ve got speedo issues, odometer issues, gas gauge issues, oil light issues, high beam indicator issues and LED bulbs to replace. I’ve got 10 days for spring break - time to get to work.
Here is what it looks like on the inside.

Shaft 1 & 2 are plastic with worm gears on one or both ends. they transmit the motion of the cable (and slow it down a lot) to shaft 3 which has a gear on each end to turn the regular & trip odometers.

What seems to happen is the odometer (usually the trip side) hangs up and that keeps shaft 3 from turning. Something has to give, so one of the plastic gears wears enough to slip.
gears 2.JPG
Removing the cluster is not hard, just really tedious. Follow the directions in the FSM, make no sudden moves, and definitely disconnect the shift indicator. That one is easy to forget and you'll break the linkage (not that I'd know ;) )
A few years ago the speedometer on our 72 Barracuda started doing the same thing. I disconnected the cable at the top and sprayed some lube in it. It has worked fine ever since. I would try that first.
A few years ago the speedometer on our 72 Barracuda started doing the same thing. I disconnected the cable at the top and sprayed some lube in it. It has worked fine ever since. I would try that first.
Definitely lubing the speedo cable first. Will take a peek at the odometer assembly to check for wear/breakage. Hopefully it just needs a clean up and lube and all will be well.