Well Tony, Not Sure if there iz such ah thing az a one piece pan gasket for the 318.(never seen one) What I am sure of iz, to make sure you get to your Mopar Dealer for ah tube of their Black Silicone Gorilla Snot and after you clean and squirt with Brake Clean all 4 cornerz and let it dry. Then you fill those 4 cornerz with ah Goodly Amount where the Pan+Timing Cover+ Block meet. And then let that set up over nite before adding oil, or you'll be doin' it again. I learned that trick in the early '70s when swapping out plastic timing gearz for the good gearz and chains on 3 different '70s Vanz. By the 3rd one I could pull the grill, timing cover and swap gearz and re-assemble in 2 1/2 hourz, and I still keep one of those little white squeeze tubez of that black snot in my stash, Jer