Our justice system


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2015
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Bacliff Texas
Cops are rewarded for arrests, prosecutors are rewarded for convictions. Who gets rewarded for justice?
Justice is a very subjective term and means different things to different people. My guess is if crime or public dispute is battled to submission, those happy with the out come achieved justice.
Justice... Hah!... Prosecute if you can and really find it to be worth while...
In my personal experience, unless a very serious crime has been committed, there is very little that resembles "justice". Unless someone is dead, the only people who seem to get prosecuted are the honest ones. The news here every week is looking for X vehicle because of a fatal hit and run... But the non fatal ones almost never get prosecuted. Drunks, Too many driving infractions, no license and no insurance idiots continue to drive... and leave the scene. Unless a LEO stops them and witnesses them driving... nothing is done. Last time I was hit and run here (twice) was over 10 years ago on I4 under construction. I followed the idiot long enough to get a tag and beyond... before it occurred to me I didn't really want to risk a gun fight.
Went home and reported to the state police..."You need to return to the scene"... "No, I don't... its an unlit interstate under construction with no safe place to pull over"... "Oh, we now see you were in city limits... call them." City PD " You need to call the state police"... "just did, they sent me to you."... "You need to return to the scene."... "No, its an unlit interstate under construction with no safe place to pull over."... " It will be a while until an officer can get to you."... "Fine, my insurance is already notified and want an accident report." I lived close enough to PD to hit the place with a baseball... 5-6 hours later cop finally shows up. I don't even bother to try hiding I have been drinking for the last 4-5 hours while waiting and researching the internet. "have you been drinking?" ... "Absolutely, and waiting 6 hours."... "were you drinking at the time of the accident?"... "No."... "How do I know that?"..."Because I called you".... "The interstate should be the state police."... "They sent me to you."... "If I write a report, I will have to cite you for leaving the scene."... "Do whatever you have to do, my insurance is notified and wants the accident report. The scene was unsafe to pull over, it was under construction." ..."This happened on I4 near the mall?"... "Yes" ... Eventually he wrote the report and didn't cite me after all... Now I know there is a shift change that occurred shortly after... you don't think they let me wait all that time just to see if I would give up, do you?

BTW, my insurance tracked him down... He apparently told his insurance I was at fault. His insurance wound up paying for my car, not mine... and I showed no mercy whatsoever as I corrected the estimate with the adjuster. I had already taken alignment readings with a printout for the adjuster, just to make sure suspension pieces and frame measuring was included. Law enforcement never followed up on anything. I put a strut on the car (SC2 Saturn) and sold it to a kid at work who needed to quit riding a motorcycle in the rain. Couple hundred dollars, pay me as you can after you get insurance covered... Kid drove the car for next 2-3years as he went to school and started his career as a tech. Never stopped thanking me...

What pissed me off beyond all else... the idiot who hit me, Knocked me off the berm of the interstate with his SUV... and then speed away... for a mile or 2... then slowed down, or I never would have caught up. My wife was the primary driver of that car... I bet she wouldn't have recovered control. It was close to Christmas, so chances are the idiot was drunk.

I always carry full coverage... it helps solve too many dumb situations.
Do you ever stop to take a breath? .... I need to meet you, I really do. I need to know if you talk like you write, I simply NEED to know
It would have taken me 20 minutes to type all that, nope, not me. Short and sweet and move on....
Tink, I think the biggest confusion with justice is what we were taught about it. In class we were taught "this is America the greatest country in the world". So we grow up believing it's to be one way, but the older we get we realize it's not that way at all. Bill Cosby, The affluenza teen , O.J.......justice has been perverted by the all mighty dollar. Justice has become an acceptable outcome for those with enough money to pay for the outcome they want.
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Do you ever stop to take a breath? .... I need to meet you, I really do. I need to know if you talk like you write, I simply NEED to know

The day will come... You can tell me then...
It would have taken me 20 minutes to type all that, nope, not me. Short and sweet and move on....
Come on man... we cant all be cool... I have better and worse days.
And he wrote this at 5:00 AM. :poke:
Yep, I guess I spew more crap by 5am than some do all day.
Brilliant plan! I would have never thought of that.
Plan? Initially it was more like 'I've waited long enough, 1 beer wont hurt" wound up a bit different than I was thinking it would.
BTW, Orange county FL has a zero tolerance open container law of some sort, I can be cited for holding an open beer in my front yard... so I guess answering the door and going to look at the car in my old condo parking lot was a bit of an act of rebellion.
Lighten up. cantflip knew what to expect from the local constabulary. They are generally too busy meeting their quota and generating tax revenue sitting on the side of the road with radar.
Actually, it was the first time I ever dealt with the local city cops. I would have never put myself into that traffic situation, but a coworker had hurt himself pretty seriously. One of the guys left work early to get him from the hospital, and I met them at the guy's house after work and ran a few errands for him, groceries and his pain meds picked up. After getting him settled in, I was in traffic I would recommend all avoid. Pre-Christmas shopper and drunks at 10-11pm on a Friday night... what a combination. At that time, I4 was the only way home I knew... was somewhat recent to the area.
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Tink, I think the biggest confusion with justice is what we were taught about it. In class we were taught "this is America the greatest country in the world". So we grow up believing it's to be one way, but the older we get we realize it's not that way at all. Bill Cosby, The affluenza teen , O.J.......justice has been perverted by the all mighty dollar. Justice has become an acceptable outcome for those with enough money to pay for the outcome they want.
I think we here are all mostly in agreement about why justice is not always served and about its flaws. The courts make it very difficult to render justice that logical thinking citizens serving juries would agree upon. The sad fact is that an entirely absurd amount of innocent people get convicted of things they didn't do. I know, I watch too much ID TV but that is where years and years of investigations finally reveal the miscreants responsible for locking up an innocent person.