Pitman arm taper


New Member
Apr 2, 2015
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Knoxville, TN
Hello. What is the taper angle for the pitman arm stud for a '71 Fury? The one I have from rare parts is coming up at nearly 18-degrees while I have heard most steering joints are 7 or 10-degrees. Thanks
Welcome to the show! ! There are different pitman arms for the car, and its based on if you have power steering, or manual. Be sure you have the correct one.
I would bet it's all about how the angle is measured. It could be 9° off the centerline or 18° included angle (angle between the two sides.

I don't know what the correct angle is, but I don't believe that there are two different angle studs.
Taper angles are pretty much always listed as the angle swept from one side to the other of the stud. Ball joint and tie rod reamers are found in either 7 or 10 degree sizes and that's it as far as I can see. It's for a power steering application. I need to make the centerlink hole I have larger and am trying to find the right size reamer. And I know I'm measuring it pretty accurately as I also measured some ball joint and tie rod studs and got really close to 7 and 10 on those.