stardate 0U812.011318: engine compartment wiring harness R&R + upgrade complete:
added 6 qty relays in the tan box:
relays for lo / hi beam headlamps
fan relay
fuel pump relay
wolo horn relay
spare relay for future use
added elec. dist orange box into harness.
added 10ga. lead wire w/30A fused going into cabin area for accessories like USB, stereo, charging ports, etc.
nacho ammeter bypass wired into harness
new fusible links into harness.
replaced melted bulkhead connector and ran bypass wire thru to complete the RED/BLK wiring at ammeter.
new starter cable / new + battery terminal
wired oil pressure kill switch into harness
wired fan thermoswitch into harness
wired fuel pump wiring into harness
remote wire for fuel pump @ dash
remote wire for wolo horn at dash