Question about the 68 Monaco 500's

Maybe just initials, don't think posting a vin would be a good thing.

I wrestled with that idea but I think its necessary to see when cars were built and where in sequence. Anyone can see you VIN just by looking through a windshield or at your tag at the show when the hoods up.
VINs are basically a matter of public record and the fact that you would put a name with the VIN is just publishing to the world who has ownership of the car. No problem!
No advantage can be had from a VIN except maybe making a fake VIN tag.
A fake VIN can be made by pulling numbers out of the air and putting them in a correct sequence
OK, let's split the difference: I added a VIN question, but it's optional (like the owner's initials). Whether you're anal-retentive or paranoid, we aim to please!