Question on sticky intake valve(s)

Howdy On cleaning up carbon build up I was taught to get the motor hot than pour in a 1/2 quart ice cold water and ATF mixture, while keeping the RPM's high. This was the first thing that I did to every Mopar that I bought in the 70/80's. On winter storage I treat the fuel than I park them, I only start them if I can drive them at least 100+ miles. Case in point I fired up our 09 Charger SRT and we went on a 250 mile ride, our 15 Scat Pack and 70 Convertible. are still hibernating.
I agree, water is not compressible. Which is why adding it must be done slowly and in moderation. Once it gets past the venturi and throttle plates, it is more vapor than liquid, I suspect.

In those earlier times, there were carb and engine issues many have either forgotten about or have limited awareness of. For example, the older driver that bought a 4bbl V-8 and after 30K miles, the secondaries would not open as they'd never been open since new. OR the engine that would be quiet and idle smooth, but not run past 40mph, so it needed "the soot blowen out of it" so it would run better, for example.

In our modern times, I suspect that if a "new person to the hobby" tried one of those "always worked for me" concoctions, after the first snaps, crackles, and POPSSS that they'd immediately cease and head to the auto supply for some "chemicals".
