Rear axle bearing replacement.

I checked at Advanced, where my son in law to be is employed and they dont have one. I'm gonna hate to walk into Auto Zone

Of course, I asked him if they have a tool to pull them, I wasnt specific
Well that was a lot easier than It appears.

The seals came out with a screwdriver and intimidation. New ones went in without a hitch, a ball joint socket is the perfect size for tapping them in.

The price of collar and bearing removal and reinstall was $160.00 which was high but required..... everything appears good, we'll see how long it lasts

So we had her out Sunday...... forget the boring tired old joke about the six dead bodies....That's two full ,overflowing shopping carts from the Sams club in there

The price of collar and bearing removal and reinstall was $160.00 which was high but required..... everything appears good, we'll see how long it lasts

You need to make a friend with a press...... I paid $20.00 to a local trans shop to do the same thing.
Glad you got it done though..
I had no problem with the 12 ton Harbor Freight. Always tapered rollers, greens will strand you if you really drive the car.
So, why do axle bearings go bad?

Does a car sitting for years help bearings go flat or even dry out?
It would have to be degraded grease or maybe rust/pitting contamination from sitting. I can't seen rollers flattening or races getting notches in them from sitting. You would think that some springtime potholes with the 6 bodies in the trunk would impact the bearing more than sitting still.