Next up was the gas tank. This came with the car. For years it sat inside the passenger compartment, then under the car, then behind the shed. I always thought that I'd just replace it, assuming it was rusted bad like the the one out of the black car. Now was the time to take a good look at it.
First I removed the sending unit. it actually looked pretty good. I have a new seal, don't see why I can't re-use this one.
Anyone know a good source for the filter on the end of the 5/16 tube? It's the only piece I need to finish this up.
Then I took a look inside, and to my surprise, no appreciable rust and very little varnish.
A gallon of acetone and a small brush cleaned the inside very nicely.
Thanks to the heavy undercoating there is no rust through. Unfortunately, thanks to the heavy undercoating it took a lot of effort to remove it!
This little badge was braised to the top of the tank. it must have been refinished at some point.