Road wheels on a slab side

Started out with 14" Magnums...


Ended up here with Road Wheels..
2016 Cruise Night.JPG

15" Magnums on any C-body '68 or older...

Also I think these cars should have all had 15" wheels from the get-go... It's not just because of the tire availability. I think the 14s just look far undersized on the 300.

I would cut back on unnecessary things like food and electricity and buy a set of 15" Magnums for that 300. Not a big fan of green, but that is a sweet car.

67 New Yorker 5.JPG

68 300 (6).jpg
mount 2 whitewall , the other 2 blackwall , put them on the car and do a walk around. then you will have the obvious right in front of you. then have them all balanced
On or beside?

Your going to have to mount that differently or someone is going to trip on it while walking past your car in a parking lot.
mount 2 whitewall , the other 2 blackwall , put them on the car and do a walk around. then you will have the obvious right in front of you. then have them all balanced
That is what i will do. Will balance them up after I decide.
Perks of my work having access to tire machines and balancers
These look like they are the aluminum version... yes?
I don't think so, but I don't remember - other than I knew I didn't want the chrome version because I had a bad problem with rusting with my previous chrome wheels so I went with the polished metal wheels. Hmm, maybe that means they ARE aluminum?
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I gave the steel 15 inch Magnum 500's a polish,then loaded them up in the Waygun. will mount them u on my lunch.
Whitewall first...and maybe only whitewall.
I'm partial to whitewalls. I have them on my Fury III with the Magnum 500s. Just like the factory brochure. I also agree all C bodies should have had 15 inch wheels.