Saved cars


Active Member
May 21, 2012
Reaction score
As I was driving my 70 Newport vert that I rescued from Oregon "Kee auction" which sounds awesome with the new exhaust,nice and quiet I was wondering how many other cars from that auction are back on the road. Also my car got a lot of comments all positive.
I know what you mean about the comments. I get a lot with my 70 HT, mostly gas stations or down the shore. Once an old grandmother stopped me in supermarket parking lot to tell me her (dead) husband romanced her back in the day with a 70' Newport exact like mine. Yea, lets see more pics of your vert.
Yep, it feels great when an old couple drive by or walk by the NYB and the guy gets all excited and starts pointing at the NYB and explains to his lady about him having a NYB back in the day. In a way, it's even cooler when they both are giddy and pointing at my NYB.....enough said!
On the flip side o' that however.....I sometimes get negative/obnoxious comments from tuner types with souped up Hondas or Toyotas parked in front of WaWa. Coming back from the shore last summer I pissed one guy off by taking too long to back out of a parking space at a WaWa we stopped at for drinks. The more he laid on the horn the slower I moved. I nearly backed right up and over his hood the damn POS was that low to the ground.
The only real negative comment I've ever had about the New Yorker was from a little sanctimonious self-centered prick in a Prius (surprise!). I simply said "I'm using all the gas your little POS is saving!" and drove away.
On the flip side o' that however.....I sometimes get negative/obnoxious comments from tuner types with souped up Hondas or Toyotas parked in front of WaWa. Coming back from the shore last summer I pissed one guy off by taking too long to back out of a parking space at a WaWa we stopped at for drinks. The more he laid on the horn the slower I moved. I nearly backed right up and over his hood the damn POS was that low to the ground.

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I've seen a few Kee collection cars turn up on CL. The 56 Chrysler I bought is safely in my driveway. I haven't gotten much done on it yet. I rounded up a front bumper and grill bar, that's about it so far.
Was yours the yellow convertible? That was a sweet car! Congrats on saving it. Post some current pictures please!
Here are some car show pix more to be posted on Saturday 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg




I forgot to say the GTX is another Oregon field rescue. I must be tired as I forgot to mention the drive home, headlights need to be adjusted oops,half way home we got dash lites woo hoo, tires rode better on the way home less shake heater works good only floor vent works need to read manual to get heat out of upper vents wife was cold. The 70 300 had an owners manual in the glove box that was a nice find. More later bob
More pix from car show had first problem with vert, flat tire after 150 miles the 20+ year old tire gave up the ghost. New tires were in the works now they are priority. All in all it was a good weekend here are som pix.002.jpg007.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg




