
Commando1 sleuthed this one up (its in a link in a "Fantasies of Ah Big Rigger" thread post).

I REMEMBER this picture...its was in a book we had. An older, beatup book by the time I saw it in mid-1960's.

The book belonged to my maternal uncle who was about 10 years older than me. I got a lot of his stuff from when he was a pre-teen handed down to me when he was drafted (thats another story) to go "stop the dominoes from falling" in Asia.

It aint funny..the things we remember when turn to scour Ebay and see if I can find the book

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I was gonna put this in the "Ok You Truckers" thread but my topic was gonna be sleepers versus motorhomes we sort of took on a couple of pages ago.

I really kinda like the following trucks because (1) they look cool, and (2) they have big-a** sleepers. they are NOT "motorhomes" per se..but they must exist to combine a business (not leisure) purpose for needing powerful rig with a practical need for lodging on the road?

anybody own/know and owner of one and what they say about them, versus a "motorhome"?





not too bad i guess inside..depending again on if you need to sleep, or just showin' off :)

but, the truck above are MUCH bigger than these below...more like motor-homes suitable for more than one person, or to entertain guest/clients at events?




I have no info other than you need to be hauling some high dollar freight to warrant being on the road that much no thanks.
Looks useless to me, a lot of showoff money there.... give me a 1970 c body convertible and I have more than what I need.....

I do like your bus of choice though
A couple of conversion coach forums.

A Scenicruiser is a cool ride but they are scarce and if you find one done, expensive. Probably still cheaper to buy done tho. Pretty much like most collectible vehicles.

Lots of engine options available none of them cheap. The original 8v71 is dependable but underpowered and thirsty by today's standards. The 8v92 has lots of power with the right tune up in it but thirstier when you take advantage. There are DDEC electronic versions of the 92 which are better on fuel and seeing as you want an automatic might be able to talk to the Allison World 7 speed.

When you consider that the average yearly mileage most people put on these things is under 6000 miles, fuel mileage really isn't an issue. Even if a modern engine got double the mileage you wouldn't live long enough for it to pay for itself. A well tuned 2 stroke has a sound that is worth the price IMHO.

My preference for modern power would be a Series 60 with a 13 speed Eaton but likely not enough room for it all to fit. I think there is mention of a 'Cruiser on those forums with a 60 in it with an Allison tho.

The Series 50 is a good engine but has some expensive maintenance requirements. It is a 4 cyl engine with a balance shaft that need to be replaced periodically $$$.

What's the cost difference between a Scenicruiser and one of those Megacruisers?

earlier in the thread, 300rag turned me on the those Prevosts. New, a couple million so OUT of the question for me - aint go the lettuce for that kinda extravagance. Used Prevosts are $500K- 800K or so BUT i don't want a bus that bad.

my budget for the Scenicruiser project is $250K. I was told a beater could be had for under $10,000. and then I was told multiply acquisition price by 20 and add 20% contingency to "get it really right". anything more is "whatever you can afford". that's how I got my budget.

this one, clearly a "beater" is $6500.


This one was for sale for $50,000 two years ago:


Buying one "done" is my first objective, but my initial look 4-5 years ago all I saw were "dated" interior conversions, and then ONE that is early on in this thread that was "unreasonably" priced (mechanicals were great, interior treatment not so much). Admittedly though, I didnt try to hard to find one back then.

I have a few years to figure it all out...but YES, I am leaning toward a getting one already done interior-wise close (with easy to change things if I want) to the way I want, with a modern powertrain conversion (many good ideas have been offered up here on FCBO), versus trying to convert one.
...Lots of engine options available none of them cheap. The original 8v71 is dependable but underpowered and thirsty by today's standards. The 8v92 has lots of power with the right tune up in it but thirstier when you take advantage. There are DDEC electronic versions of the 92 which are better on fuel and seeing as you want an automatic might be able to talk to the Allison World 7 speed.. a well tuned 2 stroke has a sound that is worth the price IMHO.

thanks man. great links!

I gotta study this 2 stroke vs. 4 stroke thing. Not because I don't believe you and others who have mentioned it...its just I don't get it yet. no skill, no experience on my part :D
Apparently Hoyt Axton owned Scenicruiser "598" as a tour bus. Wrote a song about his "Honeysuckle Rose"

First pic is when it belonged to Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen (never heard of 'em).

CORRECTION.."Hot Rod Lincoln" - see video - knew song but didnt know they remade it in 1971 (Charley Ryan did it first in 1955).



Hoyt Axton bought 598 in 1980's and used it on tour after a repaint

The real reason for wanting one..."chick-magnet" :icon_pirat: . The Red Bull rig has its own Facebook Page


Yes, a British chap owns this one -- "083".

allegedly it took $75,000 to bring it back to original condition, a laudable goal well accomplished it seems. my guess, including the boat rides (at least four) across the Atlantic, is he's got over $100K in it.

So to gut one, and trick it out inside, with new mechanicals to boot, has gotta be twice that..or $200K-$250K

lots of neat pics on his resto..

Cool Video of what he accomplished.
Here is the right bus for you. And its affordable. . . HO - scale.

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