Old Man with a Hat

Been doing this for years. Good cheap P/S for sure.How about dirt cheap bench top DC power supply? This is mine, made from an old computer power supply. It has 5 volts, good for checking your dash gauges that run on 5 volts and 12 volts for everything else. The newer ones will have 3.3 volts too, but mine is pretty old.
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There's a bunch of videos and online sources that will tell you how to make them. Here's one that looks like what I did. I didn't include the LED light though.
DIY Bench Power Supply With Old Computer SMPS
Broken drill or tap?&$#@%
To me it looks like he broke a hole saw..
Broken drill or tap?
Or maybe a spade drill.To me it looks like he broke a hole saw.
Did this ever get resolved?&$#@%
One of my favorite medias to make things with. I've done a lot of things with it.Fabbed this up with some old bed frame.
Should make setting up center chunks a breeze, and should last for a long time too!
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I was going to just buy a bump cap
Carbon Tet is pretty bad stuff. It affects the nervous system, kidneys and liver. Perhaps using it on your hat soaked in to your brain so it makes your head either really hard, or you just don't feel the pain...Bah.... I used just a ball cap, it was enough to protect me from exhaust pipe clamps that can give you a cut if the ends are hack sawed off. My cap got to the point where people were asking me when I was going to change the oil on my cap. This was a favorite one that I kept using after about the time the free John Deere caps ended. I got to the point that I hated the cap because it reeked of diesel so I went and cleaned it like I did with many of my other old caps. I used a can of brake cleaner, not just the everyday type of brake cleaner but the stuff that is mostly Carbon tetrachloride (I take it is just dry cleaning fluid) which you probably can't get anymore. I searched and found a brand at PepBoys that was mostly carbon tet a couple of decades ago and it works a treat. Just get some old bath towels, soak the cap up real good, and then blot all the excess moisture out with the towels, rinse & repeat if necessary. Once the cap air's out it's clean as can be and it won't soften up the cardboard bill. Remember those plastic cap frame gadgets that the sold on TV infomercials so you could wash your caps in the dishwasher? heh don't be stupid...
Perhaps using it on your hat soaked in to your brain