Calm down. The crossing the line thing was totally being humorous!!!
I can't believe you could not see me laffing when I wrote that.
Man, you are wound up tight this weekend.
Posted via Topify on Android
I am the one speaking softly and carrying the bigger stick
Yes, we've already established that you are a big stick...
The above post was self-censored to avoid overworking the moderators...
PM sentCalm down. The crossing the line thing was totally being humorous!!!
I can't believe you could not see me laffing when I wrote that.
Man, you are wound up tight this weekend.
Posted via Topify on Android
Well again you have proven yourself wrong in judging me ....Couldn't be more calm. I'll accept your apology in a PM thank you........
I'm sorry, Bryan, you do just as much important thread moving as Gary. :rolling:So take yourcrap to a new thread and get all your misunderstandings and frustrations out.
I got 90% of the wiring run for the stereo today. I need one more distribution block for the capacitor & I'll get her thumping. I'm scared to death to cut the brand new door panels...
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