Stormer's 67 Polara Build


Sorry, best I can do. I ordered 4 gallons of black today.

what are you using to take the pictures? You'll want to check what the picture resolution is set to and change it to a higher resolution. Is it that small on your computer when you view it?
I give up. Stan can re-size it for me & then ***** & moan about having to do all the work around here.

FCBO hates apple... When I increase the size then it won't upload. 8MB is the max for me & it's what you see there.


Mine is an apple as well. It might be more of a religion than computer. You get what you you get and you don't pitch a fit. That's how I operate (tolerate) the thing anyways. :)

I use photo bucket and have uploaded right from the IPad without an issue. Ask a 12 year-old to help you, they know it all.....:toothy9:
Yea, not gonna use a photobucket or imgur or read Stan's book. The ROI simply isn't there for me....
Yea, not gonna use a photobucket or imgur or read Stan's book. The ROI simply isn't there for me....

ROI? You've got to be kidding. It takes a whopping 2 minutes to create a Photobucket account and about the same to upload photos and copy and paste a link on a FCBO thread. And, it FREE.
It took me longer to find out what ROI means. Now I know why I'm broke. :)