Here comes the bubble bursting....
After the 2008 crash of our economy, that administration put in place the Dodd Frank Act and revisions to the Glass Steagall Act to improve the requirements that had been watered down in the past so banks would have to again cover their risky loans with their own profits, and not the deposit accounts their customers have in the banks . (In 2008, if customers had made runs on their banks to withdraw their money, there wouldn't have been the cash to give and the U.S. economy would have immediately shut down). That is why the banks crashed, and why they were bailed out - otherwise, the whole economy would have tanked. But no one went to jail.
Now the current administration with swamp members from the big banks now in the cabinet and one in particular in charge of the Treasury Department from Goldman Sachs (
Steven Mnuchin - Wikipedia), those acts have been greatly watered down again. And the current administration also gutted the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau set up by the previous administration to prevent risky loans primarily in the automobile financing sector, but also others in the private sector so it couldn't nearly as effectively monitor and enforce risky car loans any more (can all the people I see with new cars really afford them?).
Apparently the current administration believes Corporations should not be hampered in obtaining loans to grow their businesses (and build more expensive hotels) so the economy could improve and more jobs be provided (trickle down theory). So these watered down changes are helping make america great again - at least until the next crash comes since we are back on nearly the same path we were on before the last crash.
Those who do not understand or learn from history are bound to repeat it. And we will once again be the ones who get screwed - not the banks or the rich or the corporations nearly as much. That is why the stock market is doing well again and wages for the rest of us are going nowhere. So enjoy all the rallies and victory laps while you can before another scenario of wealth transfer can take place.