Sub Division

This is the fourth sub they have started here in this area. The first one was on the other side of town. They broke ground on it a year & a half ago. It's on both sides of the road. Same price range. Looks to bigger than the one behind me. They have about 12 houses built. Not sure if anyone has bought any yet. So based on that timeline I expect by this time next year they will have houses started behind me. Also there's an old Farm house about a mile away. The old man died a year ago. The place started looking bad. Well a few days ago a lot of equiptment was dropped off. A dozer made a wide long path through the trees & then graded it smooth. Maybe just a timber company but probably sub #5
YUP !!!!
They all start off with a few pieces of equipment !!

new mall 1.jpg
new mall 2.JPG
new mall 3.jpg

THEN BAM !!!!!!!!!! UTOPIA !!!!!!!!
Well nothing was happening in the Sub today. I got home & walked back there to see if I could see anything & a new F150 was driving along & he saw me & drove over to me. It was the jobs boss. Very nice man. He said they where done with the clearing & rough grade. A large chipper/shredder machine was due in next week to grind up the 4 or 5 mountains of trees they piled up. He said they are on schedule to have the roads in & paved, water/sewer & electrical by Dec 1st. He said then they would begin building houses. He showed me the grading plans & beside me is a large rounded curve that straightens out & a cul de sac on the other side. There are still patches of trees & he said that was a deading burm from highway traffic. I asked him about my junk cars & he said don't worry about it. He said keep doing what I'm doing that they likely will put a burm up on my property line. He said his father in law fixes up old model A Fords so he understands the need for parts cars. He seemed like a pretty down to earth cool guy. Gave me his card & told me to call him if I had a question. He said my property value should go up a lot. And he stressed I didn't need to haul one car off. So hopefully he's straight up with me.
Bob, your property value will definitely go up, just ask the tax guy!
damn , those valley pictures ^^ holy crap that place was rad as hell. if you went out my back yard and across the creek trail, that's what was on the other side. off road paradise.
I love how a developer can come in and clear-cut and i have to get a permit and council approval to cut any tree over 2" caliper. Sheesh, i got a cottage on a lake in the woods up-north. Every tree over 2" has been plotted on township records.
I love how a developer can come in and clear-cut and i have to get a permit and council approval to cut any tree over 2" caliper. Sheesh, i got a cottage on a lake in the woods up-north. Every tree over 2" has been plotted on township records.

That's crazy. I can cut whatever I want unless it takes a power line down. I have one right of way on my property and one that borders it.
things change..not always for the neighborhood's turning into a third world islamic shithole...
I love how a developer can come in and clear-cut and i have to get a permit and council approval to cut any tree over 2" caliper. Sheesh, i got a cottage on a lake in the woods up-north. Every tree over 2" has been plotted on township records.
I try to plan my smaller removals for when storms come through... We have too many trees get damaged for them to use anything but aerial photography, which the tax man updates annually. I have one big tree left... I will continue to "prune" the crap out of it until I find the excuse. My property was severely overgrown when I purchased it... I went through the permitting process for all the ones they would let me remove.
Copper gutter nails in a tree will solve the permit to cut them down issue. Just don't too many at a time. The tree police might realize it wasn't a narural death.
I call the dead trees firewood!
But all it takes is one nosey neighbor with a phone.
Every neighborhood has one of those.
its the real estate people that make a stink about old cars that can be seen . get some cam'o traps bob or plant bambo around your view . its happening everywhere , building for people that aren't here . right next to my shop there to be a 76 studio aprt complex with retail on the first floor . and one drive way . i'm not looking forward to the build . my shop will have everybodies cra and truck blocking my stuff and over running me with their deliveries . but that just makes my number that much higher . lol . i may have to sell n move . but they will be paying to do it , lol . funny thing is i've already started my removal of stuff that don't need to be here . can warehouse anything here , lol .
For the record, I didn't mean shake at the neighbors kid. But if they see you facing a bush or back of the garage they get the idea. :rolleyes:
Oh hell no right off the porch just watch so you don't pee on the dog as they walk by.
Anybody want to be my neighbor? I didn't think so.
We're semi-rural so we have an acceptable mix of business development and natural space. They are now tearing down trees to put up these ugly LED muthafriggers.

You need permits to cut down a tree??? Are you kidding me???
City limited... I don't get the "easy life" on county standards here... they sent out some DH tree nerd who had to identify every tree I was removing... My plan was simple "Kill them all, if God wants to hit the house with a tree... I want him to have to pick it up and throw it." I had to replace a palm in the front yard to stay legal... but I took 2.5 trees out of the back they didn't approve so far... That other .5 has to mostly stay until I can excuse it's demise with a good storm, it's a big Live Oak right where I hope to one day build my accessory building (garage) and not worth the additional fight to remove it.