Sub Division

We're semi-rural so we have an acceptable mix of business development and natural space. They are now tearing down trees to put up these ugly LED muthafriggers.

I hate those signs that can tell me everything but can't figure out that it is dark out and does not need to be that blindingly bright. I want to just drive right into a low to the ground church one I pass almost every day, when the cop ask why I drove off the road and hit the sign? "Well I could not see"
I absolutely detest those signs. Like you say, they are so blindingly bright, they can read them from the International Space Station.
And they are oh so appropriate for FUMBUCK COUNTY. :mad:
No signs can go up (Even a lost dog poster) where I live in Hazzard County without paying and getting approval for a permit.
Why do you guys put up with that ****! No wonder I live out in the country. I can take a leak in my yard, or cut any tree I want. Store my cars where I want...To me it's worth putting up with the cold weather.
I know it Commando.
In thirty years the place up north went from pitch black nights with stars as bright as headlights to a night sky aglow from the strip mall three miles away. Went from a lake surrounded by cottages to year round homes, clearcut lots, pristine lawns & $30k ski boats owners don't use.
Now we drive four hours to be on a lake just like any like within five miles of my home downstate!
This construction crew must be working two shifts/crews. They are out there at 6 am & as late as 8 pm. A few times I've heard them at 10 pm but I think that was a service guy working on a machine. It started raining yesterday evening around 8 pm & still light rain/drizzle & they are out there working. Not doing much. Just dozer so far & a few standing around in rain coats. They want to go at it but I guess it's too wet. They are in a hurry to get the sub division up. They work 6 days a week too. They keep bringing in more trucks & equiptment
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Why do you guys put up with that ****! No wonder I live out in the country. I can take a leak in my yard, or cut any tree I want. Store my cars where I want...To me it's worth putting up with the cold weather.

I agree, except for the cold weather part. I enjoy all those freedoms where it's warm all the time. :)
The clearing & grading crew is done & gone. Now a pipe crew has begun. So far these guys only work 7:30 to 6 They demolished the abandoned house behind my property thank goodness & started putting in the large drainage pipe with the man holes. Before the grading crew left they put top soil down all around behind my land & around the cul-de-sac that wraps around one corner of my land. Thats where the houses are going. A bunch of em right in my back yard.