The Bluesmobile

You're working on one of the toughest areas, Zac. It's no fun working with all those bends and corners with compound curves. After this, you'll feel a real sense of accomplishment.
Keep up the good work, Zac....

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Thank you guys!

Stan, you are not lying one bit. It is not fun at all! I've been real discouraged by it.. I've been doing very good in doing everything with butt welds, but with my inexperience, I've been having to do most of it with lap joint welds. I feel like I'm really half assing it here... But I just don't have the proper tools/know how to do it "correctly" in my mind. I'm gonna have to put on some thick coats of undercoating in that corner to hide some of the welds. Idk I'll just keep trudging on I guess.

Once I get past this corner, I think I'll be good with the rest of the outer wheel well though.
To me, it doesn't matter if your work is excellent or half-assed. You are doing it, giving it your best shot, and working your way through it with diligence and concern. All that matters in my eyes and should earn you respect by everyone else is that you are trying your best. I'll take that over any person that pays someone to do something because they have no desire to delve into it.

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Keep up the good work Zack. I have been doing the same thing. It takes so long to do every little part. Cut out the rust, cut out a patch to make it fit, weld on patch, grind down welds, fill in pin holes that were missed and more grinding. It seems like it is taking me forever. Good luck.
Good job Zac! I would of quit on the bodywork a long time ago. If you come to Carlisle you can see my bodywork disaster on my NYB. I'm trying to get my bodywork friend (Pineapple) to fix it before Carlisle. I'm going to get it completely fixed and painted this winter.
Keep up the good work Zack. I have been doing the same thing. It takes so long to do every little part. Cut out the rust, cut out a patch to make it fit, weld on patch, grind down welds, fill in pin holes that were missed and more grinding. It seems like it is taking me forever. Good luck.

Thanks bulldog! It does take forever doesnt it! The worst is once you think your done, find one pin hole, go to weld it, and it burns a nice big hole through! Uhg!! lol I look forward to some progress pics of your work!! I know youve been slaving away at it! Atleast were not along right!

Good job Zac! I would of quit on the bodywork a long time ago. If you come to Carlisle you can see my bodywork disaster on my NYB. I'm trying to get my bodywork friend (Pineapple) to fix it before Carlisle. I'm going to get it completely fixed and painted this winter.

Thanks Bob!! I really need to get to carlise one of these days damnit! I'd love to meet, and have a beer with you all!!! Plus check out all of the beautifull rides you guys have!
Us FL guys should have a get together somewhere in the middle of the state where we could all meet up! That would be a blast!
Sebring is as central to the state as you can get!
If you drew a vertical line midway and a horizontal line midway, they would intersect my house.
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Yeah Comando1, but that leavez Orlando or Tampa fer us long distance guyz. BTW old Teamster. After looking at your newest avitar ah thought crossed my mind that made me LMAO. You haven't told any body that when you started big riggin' you were holdin' the rain's on ah 6 up have yeah?
Well, I have to admit the wooden spoke wheels gave a ***** of a ride... :D

Seriously though, here's a pic of the type of truck I was "assigned" at my very first full time job at the age of 20. An ancient Brockway owned by T Transportation. My job was to work the docks in South Boston picking up boxes of fish packed in ice. I reeked of Cod coming home every night...


I got fired after not swinging wide enough turning into a back alley and dragged a Caddy 150 feet.
My sympathies on having to deal with any Longshoreman on any dock, any where, Cod, single load or LTL. At least you chose the rite make and model to yank down the alley lol. Did yeah leave it in the middle of the street when you got to the end of the alley and remembered to swing wide, go deep, and cut sharp? LMAO
Been pretty slow lately. This girlfriends mother came into town for the last 2 weeks.... :sFun_doh2:..... haha

Did get a couple things done the last couple days. Played around with the new bead roller.

Still creating the outer wheel well. I've got my fingers crossed, and if still motivated tomarrow, hopefully will get all the metal welded in. Then on to the grinding.

Tack welded in a piece of flat stock to keep the quarter panel from moving around.

Also keeping my fingers crossed. I ordered a new rear package tray.

Has a pretty generic pic. Hopeing this isnt whats coming. Says pic is represtentation of the part. After talking with them over the phone, they say each one is made to order. yada yada yada. Speaker holes are cut out, and has fabric run all accross it. I went with tan.. If this is unuseable, I'll try and salvage the original one.

Gas tank should be here tomarrow acourding to fedex.
Package tray came a lot quicker then I thought it would. Figured I'd be waiting a few more weeks.. But, as I expected, pretty cheaply made. Very thin, and the fabric already has a big blemish along the back. I'm hoping it bends alone the front. Looks like it should. Guess I'll see when it comes time. W/e....

Gas tank is nice though! Woo! :eek:s_dancing2: The car has needed one for years! haha

Didn't get as much accomplished today as hoped. Still got a good bit knocked out though.

Compared to the driver side. A bit better then an old license plate! I'm happy with it though. Kept the factory lines, and curves pretty damn good I think.

LOVE the license plate patch. Now that's really Old Skool :D
Stop signs are excellent for floor patches.
Where did you get the package tray from? Looks like it might be from the same place I got the hood insulation pad from.

My CRS is kicking in........can't remember the vendor. LOL!
Well, I have to admit the wooden spoke wheels gave a ***** of a ride... :D

Seriously though, here's a pic of the type of truck I was "assigned" at my very first full time job at the age of 20. An ancient Brockway owned by T Transportation. My job was to work the docks in South Boston picking up boxes of fish packed in ice. I reeked of Cod coming home every night...

I got fired after not swinging wide enough turning into a back alley and dragged a Caddy 150 feet.

Except for yellow perch and walleye....cod is my favorite eating fish.

I couldn't eat Cod in Wisconsin unless a trucker brought them to me.
I wouldn't eat Cod in Wisconsin.
Only when it's straight off the boat by local fishermen.
FWIW, 90% of the "Cod" passed of today is really Scrod. A tasteless bland concoction from Whitefish, generally Tilapia now.
Gen - you -wine Cod has been overfished to death and very limited.
