The Good, the Bad & the MacGyver

I'm desperately in love with a 1950 Plymouth right now but I have no space. I was never in love with the Monaco. I love it & it's a stunning car but it's just not my taste. Pimperial, Pimpolara, Pimphundo and Pimpplymouth. In love with all.
1950 Plymouth ? Pretty homely design; you're growing old. :)
I have to admit I was not too far away to buy a black 3 window coupe of that model that was already in Germany just a couple miles away from home.
Oh, you're already in the process. Congrats on your future purchase. ;)
If I had an open bay I'd already own it.

Sure looks like an open bay to me. Ross:yes_no:Mrs. Ross

Yea, Mrs. A said no way. Just look at how filthy that floor is. My wife is soooo tolerant but she's had enough for this year. Me too, actually...
Words cannot describe how much I love driving this car.

I know the feeling it is hard to explain to others, Goldie has been in the home garage for weeks now. It fits just fine in my 24 foot deep garage, but the mower that sat in front of my other car is now out behind the garage. :)
I know the feeling it is hard to explain to others, Goldie has been in the home garage for weeks now. It fits just fine in my 24 foot deep garage, but the mower that sat in front of my other car is now out behind the garage. :)
I'm with both you guys on this. I loved driving my Imp with a fuel issue that made it likely that I might not make it to where I was headed without a 15 minute break to get fuel back up to the carb. Now that that is fixed and I finally got my modernized stereo back in it takes it to a whole new level. I said it yesterday, I will not be able to drive that car enough!
Ross go for the Plymouth.
Not my cup of tea but if you like it........
I am sure you can find a place for it (ie renting a garage somewhere).
If you still like it enough next spring: great. If not: you can try to sell it again

I'm with both you guys on this. I loved driving my Imp with a fuel issue that made it likely that I might not make it to where I was headed without a 15 minute break to get fuel back up to the carb. Now that that is fixed and I finally got my modernized stereo back in it takes it to a whole new level. I said it yesterday, I will not be able to drive that car enough!

So Matt it was a short worn out fuel pump rod?
So Matt it was a short worn out fuel pump rod?
That's what ultimately solved the problem although the car is definitely better for everything else I did in the process of figuring it out.