The view from my office window today

Farmers are the foundation of any country. This is simple: No FOOD-No LIFE!!! Dead people don't need education, health care, roads or.........
Keep up the good work you do! God Bless the farmers! LC
Farmers are the foundation of any country. This is simple: No FOOD-No LIFE!!! Dead people don't need education, health care, roads or.........
Keep up the good work you do! God Bless the farmers! LC
Agreed! I started out in town. Mom remarried a farmer and from 3rd grade on I learned so much about life, nature, food production and the like. Things they don't always teach in school.
Soybean and corn fields just west of my acreage.
I had several down tree branches
Hail is nasty, especially when it’s been so dry.
We have a little more color around here. The corn and soy bean fields are dominate, but cotton and tobacco are still a big industry here. Fields of white and gold when they're ready.
I live on the outskirts of Phoenix. For 30 years we have been surrounded by farmland. What great neighbors these farms are! Unfortunately over the last 5 years or so housing subdivisions and wharehouses are replacing the farms at an alarming rate. Concrete behemoths are sprouting up where the cotton, corn, melons and other crops used to grow. The nearest main road is called Cotton Lane. It used to be obvious why it was named that. Now you wouldn't have a clue. Not sure what we're going to do for fresh food in the future.
I appreciate my home grown when I can't get farm grown!!

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I appreciate all the warm fuzzies for farmers.
He is a picture of a old friend of mine. One that could always be counted on.
72 White road commander
290 Cummins. Was 8 speed with bull low. Now 15 spd.