WANTED Tow Package Parts to fit 1965

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Carl K

Jun 10, 2014
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San Jose, CA
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I'm looking for any tow package parts to fit a 1965 New Yorker.

Some of the things I'm looking for include:

load distributing trailer hitch (I've resigned myself to make this one)
auxiliary transmission cooler (would prefer an original)
heavy duty rear leaf springs and front torsion bars

My car has factory air, so I originally thought I'd be okay as far as cooling. But then I noticed that the trailer package eliminated the fan clutch, uses a different fan blade, and also used a different size impeller in the water pump. These changes might not be that important.


I'm in San Jose, California. Thanks for any leads.


I may have a hitch that'd fit - how heavy are intending to tow?

My 69 Fury 0wners manual states 2500 lbs with out the towing package and 5000 lbs, (loaded weight), with the towing package. Max tongue weight is 250 lbs. There is a diagram with dimensions showing how the hitch should be designed. Looks a little overkill to me
Loaded, the trailer is 3800 lbs. I've got the diagram as well for the factory suggested hitch design. It's for a load-distributing hitch so it has to be able to impart a moment into the frame rails, not just the rear crossmember.

If I am lucky, someone may have a hitch off a parts car. Otherwise, I'm fully prepared to make my own.

thank you,
Hey Carl. Check the general discussions section. I bumped up a past thread describing the hitch I made for Jazebelle, (our 69 300).
You should be able to apply the principal to your 65.

I've used it to tow almost 4000 miles so far .... without a "hitch"...... :uwelcome:

This is the style of hitch I'm hoping to find. Otherwise I'll make one myself.


I know where there's one just like that at. It's welded to a 70 Newport in Tenn. It would be a tough recovery.
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