Traffic issues

Yea and on the news, 5,000 NYPD are out on sick leave, I know they lost 1 to C-VID.
Here in Daytona Beach it was announced on the radio this morning that a 10pm to 5am curfew is going to be implemented with more non-essential business's ie. barbers & hair salon's being required to close. Statewide the opposing forces are requesting more of a lock down right now as our cases go up, the Governor is against it, but the Mayor of Miami has COVID. It's soon to be hell down there I'll bet.

The past couple of days to me the traffic seems to be what I would call moderate for this area, late night hours are pretty dead with just the druggie's out and about whether on foot or driving. Lotta battery arrests showing up in the mugshot web-page, things are getting tense.

I'm surprised nobody chat'ed up the supposed troop deployment to the Canadian Border.
I first heard about it watching the British Colombia Canada news. They spent quite a bit of time on it with no mention on the news here in the USA and were all in a tizzy over it with a soundbite from the PM about having a non-militarized border, blah blah blah, and "who wants to sneak into the US at this time". The only response from our Bozo in Chief was that they were sneaking in steel from China through Canada, trucking it across the border avoiding the tariff's. Duh it's been pretty well known that Canada is China's NAFTA back door.
And who to blame for that?
The people buying it!
All the ppl here are driving 5-10 below the speed limit