Transmission fluid pool near valve cover


Oct 15, 2021
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My uneventful water pump, etc. replacement last weekend appears to be a short term victory. Last night after a short trip to Napa I discovered a pool of transmission fluid from a weep hole (?) on top of the engine near the valve cover.. The FSM doesn't appear to mention this. Does anyone know if this is "normal" or catastrophic? Neither oil nor antifreeze appear to be mixed with it.


No trans fluid there...or anywhere near there for that matter.

The two fluids in that area are anti-freeze and gasoline. Looks like gas to me. Probably from the Mickey Mouse hose clamps on the fuel line.
Ugh, didn't smell like gas but gasoline and red paint does explain the color I guess. Will do immediately. Thanks guys.
When you change the clamps, re-aim the fuel line tubing so the heater hose does not work as a "fuel heater", too. Might not be an issue in this weather, but could be in a few months.

Thanks all, I had no idea green, sweet smelling antifreeze turns orange and odorless when sitting on a painted, slightly corroded surface. I dribbled a little more in that area and let it sit overnight and sure enough, it was completely orange/red. The entire puddle under the car was orange as well so it must've cooked it while driving (?). I replaced the thermostat gasket again with some RTV this time and everything else in the system remains bright green. My ignorance is showing once again but at least I didn't find a new way to grenade something I guess.

MM clamps have been replaced with ear seal and heater hose has been re-routed. Couldn't go underneath as that would crimp it more so it's over and away now. (It was touching when I bought the car so I'm glad somebody noticed that..)

I'll replace the valve cover gaskets in the next few weeks.
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