Umm... Joey, my thread got locked

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I stay out of the bickering and banter.
I'm on all the sites. abce as well as and
The names are different but I believe that jackter is on all of the sites under a similar name. There is no real substance to any of the posts this person posts. Just bullshit.
However, he/she/it can post as many "no" comments as they like. I don't ignore anyone.
I feel that there are a lot of p_____s here and there, that should grow up and not let things bother them so much. Yes, I am talking about the mods and admins as well.
Censorship is wrong. Yal keep censoring things here and more will leave. I won't get a gold membership due to the censorship. My morals wont let me support those who do not support me and my beliefs.
Grow up for Gods sake. STOP being offended by Men. Sissy little b----s. I don't even know who I'm calling that because whoever they are just emails the admins and things just disappear. Does that sound like the democratic party now or what?
I've been at sturgis for 12 days and return to more of this crap.

HI DAVE! Hope all is well.
The fact that Jackoff is still posting after all these years demonstrates he has the support of Joey and the mods

he was probably put here as a plant or he could be one of them. to get like people like dave off here because they new eventually he would do something and they would say that is enough
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