Usa v euro

Just say for talking sake they where all sitting in a line doing the quarter mile who do you think would win

Probably the Nissan, but for over $100,000 it should be able to beat a stock '69 Charger. Since you picked the fastest ricer, how about putting it up against a '68 Hemi Dart ? Then the over-priced plastic ****-box will get a lesson in quick.
If you feel that way, then I am sorry for you.
I can make a difference between the owner and the car.
To me a Sierra Cosworth is a POS no matter who owns it.
Still doesn't mean the owner is a bad guy.

You are talking about a "2Liter" engine. Milk comes in liter. Engines are measured in cubic inches.

I don't like any cars which are not V8s and have a rearwheel drive.
And I don't like modern cars at all.
So our own AMG Mercedes, your Cosworth Sierra, a Hyundai, a Ferrari F550, a Smart and a Porsche 911 GT3 and what ever else has been built in the last 40years have all in common for me: I don't like them, they don't interest me, I don't want them and to me they are all POS, looser cars, whatever you want to call them. Really. Honestly.
Keep in mind this is just my personal taste&opinion.

Somehow I get vexed when seeing modern crap on FCBO.
Seems to be one of my buttons
I guess I need to talk to my doctor and ask for some pills to cool down


I can't say that I agree with all of that...milk comes in gallons. :yes_no:
I rolled in one of these for a short while and it ran like a raped ape! A buddy had an 85 Mecham T/A and an IROC that ran out great for a mid 80s car. That's about as far as my interest goes with cars (30s-mid 80s). I've been into some of the later versions of speed cars only due to my kids interest. Ever been in a late model ford focus st (cheep speed)?
A raped ape jeez I hope I ain't about when it gets up lol
Probably the Nissan, but for over $100,000 it should be able to beat a stock '69 Charger. Since you picked the fastest ricer, how about putting it up against a '68 Hemi Dart ? Then the over-priced plastic ****-box will get a lesson in quick.
I sincerlely hope so
I rolled in one of these for a short while and it ran like a raped ape! A buddy had an 85 Mecham T/A and an IROC that ran out great for a mid 80s car. That's about as far as my interest goes with cars (30s-mid 80s). I've been into some of the later versions of speed cars only due to my kids interest. Ever been in a late model ford focus st (cheep speed)?

No, I haven't been in one of those. My favorite cars were all made before 1973 :laughing7:, with a few exceptions. That's a nice car. A buddy used to have a black Buick Regal, an '81 I think. It looked like a Grand National at first glance, but it wasn't one. His had a V-8 in it and was a nice car too.
The skylines are no joke boys! Rb25dett and the rb26dett can handle 1000+ hp on stock internals. All come from the factory with forged crank and pistons. The evos are good for around 500 on stock internals. If your talking about a performance based comparison the japs have it hands down over anything we (usa) made up until the 2k or so.Styling tho they cant touch the USA!!
Raciest no, incorrect yes.
Incorrect in what way? Oh please school me here!! Ive owned 9 dsm's. (Look it up) Made many ford,gm and mopar guys very upset when they were left at the light by a 300 hp awd with 4 cylinders (years before fast n furious ) . 12 seconds on an almost stock drivetrain. Im a car guy, not a chevy guy, not a mopar guy, a car guy! (Never owned a fast ford). I have a deep appreciation for excellence in engineering!
Incorrect in what way? Oh please school me here!! Ive owned 9 dsm's. (Look it up) Made many ford,gm and mopar guys very upset when they were left at the light by a 300 hp awd with 4 cylinders (years before fast n furious ) . 12 seconds on an almost stock drivetrain. Im a car guy, not a chevy guy, not a mopar guy, a car guy! (Never owned a fast ford). I have a deep appreciation for excellence in engineering!
I wouldn't even bother to explain , I started the thread on a comparison between modern and classic mopars and was shot Down everybody has different views it's maby a mindset thing I don't know :ImNewHere:
You're doing pretty good here on FCBO....
Thanks I hope I bring a bit of humour to the forum because my brain is limited when it comes to the technical and fender thing related to c bodies or mopars I need to study more on the whole cbodies thing :sSig_thanks:
I am speaking from a stock performance state of mind. 1/4 mile times , 0-60 , things like that. As far cool, old mopar all the way . Theres definitely a reason they are dirt cheap compared to the older American muscle. The people of the 'tuner scenes' are normally little punks spending mom and dads money . Alot of arrogance in that scene. I sold my last talon almost 7 yrs ago. Wouldn't go back.
I am speaking from a stock performance state of mind. 1/4 mile times , 0-60 , things like that. As far cool, old mopar all the way . Theres definitely a reason they are dirt cheap compared to the older American muscle. The people of the 'tuner scenes' are normally little punks spending mom and dads money . Alot of arrogance in that scene. I sold my last talon almost 7 yrs ago. Wouldn't go back.
Stick to mopars I don't think there is a car on the planet that can compare to them the 68 charger is my all time fave american muscle car
Incorrect in what way? Oh please school me here!! Ive owned 9 dsm's. (Look it up) Made many ford,gm and mopar guys very upset when they were left at the light by a 300 hp awd with 4 cylinders (years before fast n furious ) . 12 seconds on an almost stock drivetrain. Im a car guy, not a chevy guy, not a mopar guy, a car guy! (Never owned a fast ford). I have a deep appreciation for excellence in engineering!

Some ricers are quick, but they are still ricers. If I have to explain how big of a turd a Pitch-a-bitchi is I'm wasting my time. There is a good reason why there aren't any "old" ones on the road, when they break it's usually catastrophic. They are engineering disasters. A 2.2 Chrysler will out-last a 2.6 Mitsubishi any day. I didn't have to own 9, I learned from other peoples mistakes, not that I didn't know they were junk from the start. I won't even go into what a load of **** the movie Fast N Furious is, Bugs Bunny is more realistic.
Some ricers are quick, but they are still ricers. If I have to explain how big of a turd a Pitch-a-bitchi is I'm wasting my time. There is a good reason why there aren't any "old" ones on the road, when they break it's usually catastrophic. They are engineering disasters. A 2.2 Chrysler will out-last a 2.6 Mitsubishi any day. I didn't have to own 9, I learned from other peoples mistakes, not that I didn't know they were junk from the start. I won't even go into what a load of **** the movie Fast N Furious is, Bugs Bunny is more realistic.
You sir sound like every hillbilly chevy guy Ive had the pleasure of dragging down the street. Your entitle to your opinion no doubt, but you really should educate yourself a little more on the subjects you decide to jaw about. No eagle talon ever came with a 2.6. The vehicles Im speaking of were designed by chrysler with mitsu drivetrain, 2.0 to be exact. I would go into more detail but you would have to first step down from your "Merican" soapbox . Oh and you can keep your toopointoo turd( which incidentally is also a Mitsubishi engine). Yea the one in those wonderful k cars. There tons of those on the road with over 100k.......wait no theres not.:poke::poke::poke:
I guess i should have been more specific, from the mid 70's to 2k or so there wasnt much in the way of performance from American manufacturers. Theres a boat load of muscle and pony cars that i personally think have it hands down, but they are all pre-75. With the exception of the 77 trans am.
You sir sound like every hillbilly chevy guy Ive had the pleasure of dragging down the street. Your entitle to your opinion no doubt, but you really should educate yourself a little more on the subjects you decide to jaw about. No eagle talon ever came with a 2.6. The vehicles Im speaking of were designed by chrysler with mitsu drivetrain, 2.0 to be exact. I would go into more detail but you would have to first step down from your "Merican" soapbox . Oh and you can keep your toopointoo turd( which incidentally is also a Mitsubishi engine). Yea the one in those wonderful k cars. There tons of those on the road with over 100k.......wait no theres not.:poke::poke::poke:

I didn't say Talons came with a 2.6. The only thing on a Talon that might be Chrysler is the name plate. So now you're saying a Mitsubishi IS a turd, "toopointoo turd( which incidentally is also a Mitsubishi engine)". A 2.2 is a Chrysler engine, and not a turd, so you're wrong on both counts there.

I guess i should have been more specific, from the mid 70's to 2k or so there wasnt much in the way of performance from American manufacturers. Theres a boat load of muscle and pony cars that i personally think have it hands down, but they are all pre-75. With the exception of the 77 trans am.

Yeah, Vipers are slow. :icon_rolleyes: