Vacuum hose, another dumb question


Mar 8, 2020
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
Where does this little black hose go inside the ca? It is hooked up to the two-pronged vacuum fitting on the intake manifold. Larger hose goes to a brake booster? Not sure where the little one goes, I can't follow it without dismantling most of the dash apparently

Thanks for any guidance!

By chance you have a factory Vacuum gauge? Never seen them on the drivers side usually the pass side for heating/ac controls.
By chance you have a factory Vacuum gauge? Never seen them on the drivers side usually the pass side for heating/ac controls.

I don't! I bought one to install, and was going to T off of whatever this is.

My car is a factory bench seat with a column shifter, was going to find a way to mount it upside down under the dash because I thought it was nifty
Vacuum feed for push button heater controls.
The majority of slabs do have this hose going through firewall as shown in posted pic.
Hope this helps
Is it for parking brake release when you take it out of park?
Or heater controls sice they are drivers side center.
Could be for a trunk release. Does your trunk latch have a little vacuum diaphragm and is there a button in your glove box? My 66 300 has one.
Could be for a trunk release. Does your trunk latch have a little vacuum diaphragm and is there a button in your glove box? My 66 300 has one.

I don't have the trunk release button. Based on where it goes through the firewall, it's probably the heater controls. I never fathomed those buttons used vacuum