vintage pics of women & cars

Sonja Henie (ice skaterr)/movie starm here at age 24) in her 1936 Cord. One of my favorite cars too :)

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This beauty (the structure) is still there. (no StreetView available)

Should I put it up in the Brochure game area with clues?

chief, up to you,

im retired as "OP" til fall but anybody can of course run a game whenever they want.

if you do, how do we confirm we found it if we cant get a pic?

good luck. :)
chief, up to you,

im retired as "OP" til fall but anybody can of course run a game whenever they want.

if you do, how do we confirm we found it if we cant get a pic?

good luck. :)
I'll post it this evening, there are pictures just no StreetView.
