I'm from Moscow, it's the Capital. But there are many festivals in other cities: St. Petersburg, Tula, Rybinsk. And in neighboring Belarus, 2 big festivals are held in the city of Minsk.I can't believe this. I'm going to show these pictures to my Rochester Mopar club. Where in Russia are you?
From Sankt-Peterburg last SeptemberI can't believe this. I'm going to show these pictures to my Rochester Mopar club. Where in Russia are you?
Some impressive events and a lot of great looking cars, yours included.There are a lot of small meetings, 30-50 cars each. In summer, there are 3-4 events every week.
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Yes, we have a lot of fans of American classics. And many people, having bought one car, buy both a second and a third.This picture looks like it could have been taken in any small town of the USA in the 1970's. Very cool sir.
I have a couple of parts cars with complete 440 drive trains but getting them to you would be costly I'm sure.
Were these photos taken at DEPOT?Yes, in not easy for us, to build classic American cars now. But we make, its our life))
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Yes, we have all the equipment and experience. One 440 engine, compared to the new parts in the stock, has already been assembled and is successfully driving.Can you assemble a engine?
Hi! Yes, we have a lot of fans and many of them have been to the Power Big Meeting! It is very cool! But I've only seen photos, it's unrealistic! I hope the world will come to its senses soon and we will be able to travel freely again. Thanks for the idea, let's try to look in Europe too. If we repair an engine, we install all new spare parts. The problem with the 440 engine is that there are none. No. There's no place to get the block from. We are ready to repair, but there is simply nothing.((Wow, Stephan I wish I had known about you guys when I was living in Moscow!
I believe that you may have better luck finding what you are looking for by contacting some of the Mopar groups in Germany or Sweden. The guys in Sweden are crazy about Mopar's and many of the cars for sale in the US are sold there, even damaged cars for parts. There is a huge car show in Sweden every summer in July north of Gothenburg. You and your friends may want to consider attending. It is called the Power Big Meet and last year they had over 5000 American cars. I am sure you could make some great connections there for parts and cars. Here is the link to the show Power Big Meet
BTW parts for 440's from 1967 to 1971 mostly all interchange. These days it can be less expensive to purchase new after market engine parts when you consider reconditioning cost. Additionally the new aftermarket cylinder heads will provide significantly more power than the stock factory heads. Feel free to PM me here I you would like to discuss further.
Yes, you right! The Depot has become a traditional place for the opening and closing of the season, and several festivals are held in the summer. More picture from September 2024:Were these photos taken at DEPOT?