I agree with what you say. I don't hold out much hope getting anything from Chrysler except the normal canned response. I may make the "mod"and change the oil on my own instead of the normal dealer oil change deal that is priced very well.
One HUGE pitfall of doing your own oil changes during warranty is Credible Documentation. Rather than having dealer or oil change place repair orders in some electronic storage facilities, which are findable online or in the Chrysler corporate database, you have a hodge-podge of many sales receipts to file, take care of, and protect from normal deterioration. I mention "deterioration" as so many receipts are now heat-print paper and any images can and will disappear with time and heat, becoming very dim or unreadable as they age. That would just prove you bought the materials, but no documentation of WHEN the oil was changed. Just looking for paper trail items, no more, no less. So that it's not your word against "their's" should an engine warranty claim happen.
In the old Usenet BBS bulletin board for Chrysler items, there was an account of a man and wife buying a new Dodge Caravan in the 1980s (when many engines were considered "sludge monsters" and good motor oils weren't addressing this situation). He wanted to take care of it himself, which is always an option. He went to the dealership's service manager and asked what brand of motor oil they used. So he bought that brand of oil and a quality oil filter. A few oil changes into their ownership, the engine seized one day driving down the California freeway.
When the engine was taken apart, "sludge" was the failure mode, so no warranty coverage. The angry owner protested, saying he'd done his own oil changes at the prescribed times. He had not kept the flaps on the oil filter boxes or all of the sales receipts for the oil and filter. Expensive lesson, unfortunately. So be advised.
At this time, all dealers will store their repair orders electronically, plus report things like consumer-pay services to CarFax and others. Any warranty repairs are in the OEM corporate database.
Disposal of used engine oil and filters can be another issue. Having to carry them to the auto supply where they were purchased, for example. One thing not to have to worry about doing if an enterprise does the oil change. FWIW
Have a happy new year!