Old Man with a Hat
How do you handle the situation where your wife sideswipes your truck pulling out of the driveway and drives off...

How do you handle the situation where your wife sideswipes your truck pulling out of the driveway
As tactfully as you can... if you want life to stay comfortable. I noticed the damage, paint color at work... asked around, put the managers on the hunt... weekend at home and noticed the in laws vehicle she was driving had my color on it... pissed didn't even begin to describe it... after several days of searching and never being home during daylight hours...How do you handle the situation where your wife sideswipes your truck pulling out of the driveway and drives off...
Good luck with this. It's going to be a tough one though and I'm not sure that "boxing her in" is such a good idea. The cops may frown on that.
Just recently, I had a guy in a rental car back into my Mercury. It took me 6 weeks to get a settlement.
Let her her go batshit and wait until the cop turns to you and says, Well?
Then just talk calmly.
I'm a pro at this. People loved that my trailer was a 53' rolling billboard of a multi-gabillion dollar rich corporation.
I'd be waiting at a red light, an accident across the street would be my fault.
True Confessions:
(Now I reveal my true inner evil)
Scenario: Sitting at lights of 4 way (tight) intersection waiting to take left turn.
Sitting at light on street coming from left is bimbo stopped way past stop line in path of my left turn. Experience has taught me courtesy results in total snafu.
Course of action: Make left turn as fast as possible swinging trailer over her hood, and stop at the last second with the trailer across her hood and an inch away from her windshield.
Results: After crawling out from under the dash and having shat her thong, she learns the purpose of the stop line and as the North Koreans put it, been "re-educated" and backs up to where she should have stopped in the first place.
Hate me if you must. I learned that pulling up, stopping, waiting for them to back up results in a standoff where traffic gets tied up for five minutes and she refuses to move. I'm actually doing the world a favor.
For those with a visualization deficiency...
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...go to your family doctor, claim you have soft tissue pain and damage in your back from the collision, get xrays, mri scans, then slap her with a pain and injury lawsuit (lawyers love these kind of suits..theyll pick it up on contingency basis since there is always a good sized payday at the end for the
Yep I hear that. That's exactly how it works here. People F-up and then want to blame you for their incompetence. I was a defendant in such a case. It was a total nightmare. Once someone yell's "soft tissue damage" you better just settle up so you can move on.This doesn't happen here. All medical is covered by the provincial health insurance, and we have a cap on soft tissue injuries. We are not a litigious society - yet - but working our way there.
True Confessions:
(Now I reveal my true inner evil)
Scenario: Sitting at lights of 4 way (tight) intersection waiting to take left turn.
Sitting at light on street coming from left is bimbo stopped way past stop line in path of my left turn. Experience has taught me courtesy results in total snafu.
Course of action: Make left turn as fast as possible swinging trailer over her hood, and stop at the last second with the trailer across her hood and an inch away from her windshield.
Results: After crawling out from under the dash and having shat her thong, she learns the purpose of the stop line and as the North Koreans put it, been "re-educated" and backs up to where she should have stopped in the first place.
Hate me if you must. I learned that pulling up, stopping, waiting for them to back up results in a standoff where traffic gets tied up for five minutes and she refuses to move. I'm actually doing the world a favor.
For those with a visualization deficiency...
View attachment 77424