Welcome, snow

Caption this picture. "Dad we need coffee"
Closed the highways done here in Southern Minnesota.
The winds are howling today...
Hope the highway open tomorrow down where the shop is...planning a road trip.
We've had less snow than usual for the season. Of course, we're not done yet.

Lot's of crazy wind last night. Remembering something my parents used to say about windy weather, I thought it was going to blow me right out of my bed. The worst part is the weather change has me aching from head to toe.
We have been getting 3" - 4" at a lick and melts in a day or too.

I guess we are lucky...but I'm still done with winter!!!
Here in Phoenix it has been a nasty winter. Our normal highs should be in the low 70's but we haven't been there in a month. The high has been as low as 47. We've had rain, hail, snow and lots of wind and clouds. Our winter visitors are really disappointed this year.
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The last couple of snows I just waited 24 hours and let the sun do its think and melted the snow.

I'm not suppose to shovel snow anymore but an 1" or 2"" won't kill me....I hope.
The last couple of snows I just waited 24 hours and let the sun do its think and melted the snow.

I'm not suppose to shovel snow anymore but an 1" or 2"" won't kill me....I hope.
It's hard to not have a fifteen year olds attitude when I head outside to shovel, until about ten minutes in, then I remember to use my legs vs my back. Good for my arms and shoulders though.
the infamous McDonald's snow mound by my work...there's a business pool on what date it melts completely...usually into June.
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the infamous McDonald's snow mound by my work...there's a business pool on what date it melts completely...usually into June.

A GMC dealer drove a truck onto a smaller snow mound a number of years ago, and had a contest to win the truck if you could guess the date the wheels hit the asphalt.
the infamous McDonald's snow mound by my work...there's a business pool on what date it melts completely...usually into June.

#1 I'd like to see how they piled it that high.

#2 In places where I've plowed snow (very populated) you couldn't pile or leave snow that high because 1 it would take up much needed parking spaces and 2 it causes a site hazard pulling out into traffic. We would remove the snow to several town snow dumps (no charge) where one in view by the state road would have a contest to see when it would be all gone. Then the new enviro wackos moving into town would see all the trash that was left over and cried foul as to it would be polluting the brook it was near putting a end to that.

We had one condo/townhouse unit where we could pile it up high ala bulldoze it with the pickup but then the woman that ran the HOA decided to spend the snow removal money on plants and shrubbery after a couple of light snow seasons right where we made the pile. I told the boss, "Dump dat *****". I did the same on a residential property, plowed it before, but then they go and plant crap right where we gotta push it. I took dat **** riiiight out, ooops, let the insurance deal with it I said. (teach them a lesson)

One early spring April storm that dumped over a foot of heavy wet white stuff one of my customers and I were going to breakfast where we see the town trucks breaking down and hauling off the piles at side street intersections so it wouldn't cause accidents. My customers brother was head of the Highway DPW (pre-inditment) and I said to him why the hell are they hauling that away it's going to be 50/60 degrees tomorrow, it'll be gone by Friday. He explained to me that they were just using up the snow budget money because the newly elected asshats wouldn't allocate as much money for next year because it was a light snow season.
2 it causes a site hazard pulling out into traffic
You should see where I live, you can't see down the road at intersections unless you are in a truck/SUV. I have to pull out slowly til I clear a four foot snow bank. Or your driveway for that matter.
Saw a new one yesterday. Seems the township's snowplow couldn't clear the road in front of my place so they called the fella that grooms the snowmobile trails in the area. He came out with his groomer and pushed the snow off the road and into my yard (over the ditch) so I'm gonna have a real mess when it starts to melt. But at least the traffic can get by the place now........
Not exactly like this, but very similar.