Welcome, snow

Saw a new one yesterday. Seems the township's snowplow couldn't clear the road in front of my place so they called the fella that grooms the snowmobile trails in the area. He came out with his groomer and pushed the snow off the road and into my yard (over the ditch) so I'm gonna have a real mess when it starts to melt. But at least the traffic can get by the place now........
Not exactly like this, but very similar.

You didn't clear that out with the Bobcat?
You didn't clear that out with the Bobcat?
No, I broke the Bobcat. Had to have the neighbor come drag it out of the road with his big ol' John Deere. Still haven't got the cat fixed although it'll move again now. Put the Polara in the cathouse so the cat could get in the warm place as it was cold as all billyhell working on it outside.
The snow in front of our deck is almost as high as the deck, I don't have to look down to see Sophie anymore!