Senior Member
So it was a beautiful day in FL, I finally get around to doing the ammeter bypass on my 65 today.
My wiring was a disaster. The previous owner, (Butch McHakensplice), thought that the proper way to make 2 wires connect, was a twist and some tape. I took out a few splices, and straightened out the rat's nest around my bulkhead connectors.
I found my factory splice under the dash, Hoe Lee chit. Who thought THAT was a good idea. The 50 year old tape was that fabric electrical tape, it was literally hanging there.
You mean to tell me, all the electrical engineers at ChryCo could not come up with a better/faster/cheaper way to do that?
I can picture a room full of old gruff engineers sitting around a table, smoking cigars, approving the electrical system for the 65 Fury. "Yup, that looks good, lets stamp the plans approved".
A younger engineer with a brush cut and pencil protector pipes up-"hey guys, don't you think we could eliminate the solder job wrapped in tape?".
The older engineers slam him immediately "Don't start telling us how to do things punk, you just graduated", "yea we did it this way for 40 years, if it ain't broke dont fix it".
The young engineer just sits there, stewing and rejected. In his mind he's thinking, "you dinosaurs will be retired in 20 years, one day I'm going to control engine combustion mixture with a computer".
Anyways, I used a big wire nut, problem solved!!
My wiring was a disaster. The previous owner, (Butch McHakensplice), thought that the proper way to make 2 wires connect, was a twist and some tape. I took out a few splices, and straightened out the rat's nest around my bulkhead connectors.
I found my factory splice under the dash, Hoe Lee chit. Who thought THAT was a good idea. The 50 year old tape was that fabric electrical tape, it was literally hanging there.
You mean to tell me, all the electrical engineers at ChryCo could not come up with a better/faster/cheaper way to do that?
I can picture a room full of old gruff engineers sitting around a table, smoking cigars, approving the electrical system for the 65 Fury. "Yup, that looks good, lets stamp the plans approved".
A younger engineer with a brush cut and pencil protector pipes up-"hey guys, don't you think we could eliminate the solder job wrapped in tape?".
The older engineers slam him immediately "Don't start telling us how to do things punk, you just graduated", "yea we did it this way for 40 years, if it ain't broke dont fix it".
The young engineer just sits there, stewing and rejected. In his mind he's thinking, "you dinosaurs will be retired in 20 years, one day I'm going to control engine combustion mixture with a computer".
Anyways, I used a big wire nut, problem solved!!
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