Well, 2 years, Stromberg WWC rebuild leaking copiously. Edelbrock Time?

Gerald Morris

Senior Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Tucson gets NOTHING BUT MOONSHINE-OH-LEEN, so, would anyone be surprised that a well rebuilt Stromberg WWC job has gone to HELL being used heavily in RECORD HOT URBAN TRAFFIC? I don't think this too surprising, though ONE more year would have made me happier.

So, should I try the Holley 2210 next, with the same aging carb guru? He did a fine job, especially considering his price, and I have high confidence in the man, BUT, WILL THIS BE WORTH THE TROUBLE?

I bought an old stock 4 bbl low deck manifold a couple months ago, anticipating a change in the fuel delivery system this Fall. Needs a good bead blasting, and some paint would be nice, but such trifles please me.

Just reading This and That Online, I gather that Edelbrock carbs do OK with stock iron intakes.

Since I SELDOM exceed 3000 rpm with that 383, ONLY ACCIDENTALLY AND VERY RARELY exceed 3500 rpm. AND NEVER let that old motor turn more than 4000 rpm, and THAT just to time it some months back, I CERTAINLY DON'T need a 750+ cfm carburetor, and in fact have considered as little as a 500 cfm AVS2, but think the new 650 cfm product likely will do veery nicely as a bolt-on solution, THAT WON'T SPEW PETROL ALL OVER THE EFFING INTAKE for, the Good Lord willing, many years to come.

Am I suffering heat prostration, or would a 650 cfm AVS2 Edelbrock be a good bolt-on solution for my leaky antique carburetor blues?
Where is it leaking? Is there a "soldered-in" ball-check there, too? The ethanol will deteriorate that sealing solder, which can start engine fires with some of the old Rochester 4bbls, as there is one passage which will drain the float bowl onto the intake manifold when that seal is breached.

Perhaps some JBWeld on that ball-check-seal will work?
Where is it leaking? Is there a "soldered-in" ball-check there, too? The ethanol will deteriorate that sealing solder, which can start engine fires with some of the old Rochester 4bbls, as there is one passage which will drain the float bowl onto the intake manifold when that seal is breached.

Perhaps some JBWeld on that ball-check-seal will work?

Its not yet really leaking as much as my first comments may have inferred, but yes, there is some oozing along the bottom gasket, passenger side. To my knowledge, the check ball isn't soldered, nor is there a soldered check ball in the WWC. I suspect the leaking and deterioration has just begun the past couple months, but it follows exactly the same pattern the original (to me) carb had, at the main body gasket between the throttle body and the main above.

Tomorrow, I'm going to carefully re-torque the air-horn to bowl screws at 80 in.-lbs, just to be safe. I might just grab another of my cores and take it up to the Old Carb Guru, to get a replacement job going. (his price was and remains MOST reasonable!)

Even if I get him to work over the Holley 2210 I have from my 400, its really a very similar carb, and doubtless will have the same qualities. A modern kit MIGHT have better seals, but I would like something a little more permanent and possibly more efficient....

Consider the old Holley "Economiser." A 470 cfm 4 barrel which allowed mechanical linkage to the secondaries for some power when wanted, but otherwise which kept the fuel flow through small primaries, this design did well for a few years, but then got shelved.

I think the 500 cfm Edelbrock AVS2 might make a GOOD modern gas saver carb! What do you think? I really don't plan to EVER run that or any other motor in that car over 4000 rpm tops, so 500 cfm will be PLENTY volume for my purposes......
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I put a Holley 4360 on Dad's '69 Chevy pickup to replace the OEM QJet which had issues with the power piston sticking. So the fixed-jet 4360 seemed like a good alternative. Had the power of a big 2bbl, though. Other issue was that NOBODY had ever seen one or knew what it was! OR wanted to work on it! But it was fine for the way he drove.

Just some thoughts,
After futzing with the original AFB for a while without success I bought a new Edelbrock 1406 600 cfm plus adaptors for linkage and fuel line. Bolted it on, wired up the electric choke, ran perfectly out of the box and still does almost three years later on nothing but ethanol gas.

After futzing with the original AFB for a while without success I bought a new Edelbrock 1406 600 cfm plus adaptors for linkage and fuel line. Bolted it on, wired up the electric choke, ran perfectly out of the box and still does almost three years later on nothing but ethanol gas.

View attachment 484086

10-4 Good Buddy! Since I like mech chokes, reckon I'll go w the 1405, though I'm leaning toward the little 500 cfm AVS2 a bit too. Whatever comes up w the best price tag when I buy.

MUCH Obliged!

I put a Holley 4360 on Dad's '69 Chevy pickup to replace the OEM QJet .... But it was fine for the way he drove.

Just some thoughts,

Update: My tightening screws seems to have stopped what leak there was from the main body-throttle body gasket. I filled Tilly's big thirsty tank up, drove her home, and the carb and manifold remain DRY.

I still am leaning strongly toward copping a 1405 'Brock. I got the old 4 barrel intake, and just need to clean it up first....
I put a Holley 4360 on Dad's '69 Chevy pickup to replace the OEM QJet which had issues with the power piston sticking. So the fixed-jet 4360 seemed like a good alternative. Had the power of a big 2bbl, though. Other issue was that NOBODY had ever seen one or knew what it was! OR wanted to work on it! But it was fine for the way he drove.

Just some thoughts,

I see plenty 4160/4360 4 bbl Holley mech secondary carbs, old and new out there! You may well find comfort in that. I had as you know speculated on plopping one of their 500 cfm 2 barrel carbs onto that 383 also, but, in the interest of OPTIMIZING fuel efficiency, a small quad looks to be the better choice.

Realistically, conventional 6000 rpm wisdom dictates a 750 cfm carb as the minimum intake capacity, but I want o part of anything over 4k rpm from this or any replacement engine I put in this particular car. Having twice the obscenely choked 230 cfm of the WWC or a 2100 type carb appeals, giving enough "whoosh" for merging, passing, crossing intersections smartly et al, but still avoiding slurping up too much liquid hydrocarbon.

Best of all, I should get a little more EFFICIENCY from a modern, small quad carb. Yes, IU think we have a winning proposal here. I thank you for relating your anecdote about your Dad's Chevy.
I put one of these Demons on a stock 440.
That thing ran wonderful out of the box. I paid $199 off Ebay, looks like they went up$20.
Website says put of stock, might be worth a call.

Demon FR-1901 Factory Refurbished Street Demon 1901 625CFM 4bbl Carb (holley.com)

Good price on 'em too! I like this as an OPTION, but reckon that AVS2 setup is too good to pass up. Another option I've looked at is Summit's house brand carbs.

All the same, I've seen the 'Brock 140Xs running for ~$2C-$2.5C for remans also. I had just such on a 351 Cleveland in a '68 Disgustang once, and that rocket would FLY up to ~140 mph, easily, on pavement. I didn't dare that on most roads, and had to shut it down when the kidney stones and dope habit gorilla got too big. Just as well then, as THAT effected my Conversion to the True Church of MoPar, w my first '66 NYer! That had a 440 w one of those boat-anchor 100A alternators, a big yellow Accel coil, orange stock electronic ignition and PISS POOR voltage regulation, no matter how many stock solid state VRs and ballasts I went through. That **** soured me even MORE contra electronic ignition than I had been, to this day. But this is a carburation thread....