Well a minor setback or 2..... Last Thursday the car was done. It was going to be backed out of the shop but when my guy put it in reverse, she wouldn't move. I had the tranny rebuilt at the cost of $1200 and was supposed to include a Transgo 2 shift kit. That was with the trans being brought to them and being reinstalled by someone else. We removed it and found these problems:
Reverse servo broken, used bands put back in, as there was no band material in the filter at all to indicate these lost material after "rebuild". Shims between the clutches were showing excessive wear with copper coming through as did the bearings in the drums where the shaft rides. All I got was new clutches, no shift kit, and the pressure jacked up at the governor. Also, that tranny didn't have a VIN on it, so we think it wasn't the tranny that come out of the car that went back in. We had a rebuilt 727 on hand with Kevlar bands, all new parts, 4 gear planetaries, and a shift kit installed. That's whats in the car now. We also discovered my Eddie 750 carb was ruined by the machine shop. Mounting bolts torqued too tight so it cracked the bowl, and the top plate screws holes were all stripped out. Bought another 750 from a friend, rebuilt it, and it works like crap, to the point the car died and left me stuck for about an hour yesterday. Won't idle right at all, reeks of gas when I'd get it started after dying, and just works badly. So, I said screw it, ordered an brand new Eddie 1913, a 800 CFM AVS2. Ordered yesterday from Summit, and had the thing in my hands today. Came from Reno, NV. I'll let you all know how the AVS2 works out.