What happened to you Us people ?

I have to preface Islamist with "radical", "fundamental", or "extreme".
Plenty of Muslims in the section if Boston where I grew up. You couldn't tell the Christians from the Muslims. There were no political differences and cultural differences seemed irrelevant. They didn't demand the Boston Public School system to ban pork. Hell, they even enjoyed the Thursday Beans n Franks in the cafeteria.
Today? They've all become politically radicalized through their Mosques where Clerics are demanding a return to the Dark Ages.

To put it cruelly, bluntly, and as politically incorrect as possible, non-Muslim Americans need to put Contemporary Muslims "back in their place" They used to integrate into American culture. Now they want to take it over.
I have to preface Islamist with "radical", "fundamental", or "extreme".
Plenty of Muslims in the section if Boston where I grew up. You couldn't tell the Christians from the Muslims. There were no political differences and cultural differences seemed irrelevant. They didn't demand the Boston Public School system to ban pork. Hell, they even enjoyed the Thursday Beans n Franks in the cafeteria.
Today? They've all become politically radicalized through the Media where commentators are demanding a return to the Dark Ages to sell advertising.
