What happened to you Us people ?

Unfortunately he was given a trial by his peers. In this case his peers are a bunch of Pelosi like drug burnouts that would never convict an illegal alien of anything! This bastard was deported 5 times and had 7 felony arrests but was still walking the streets because of Pelosi and her ilk. He first claimed he was shooting at sea lions, then he said he found a pile of stuff under a park bench and when he touched it a gun went off. So he kicked it into the water. He never should have been here in the first place!
God Bless the Steinly family my thoughts and prayers are with them.

and you know that exactly how? A DA is going to allow that sub group onto a jury trial? How does the Court find them with no address? Got news for you since I lived in the City and happened to end up on jury duty in in the selection process. In short your comment is a bunch of crap.
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The fact remains, had this illegal alien not been in the US, he wouldn't have 'found a gun lying around which he fired by accident', causing the death of an innocent person.
None of the legal mumbo-jumbo is a good enough excuse for letting a killer walk. Pathetic and weak.
This was a manslaughter case. As to whether involuntary or voluntary I wouldn't be clear on that. Clearly there was no intent, premeditation or malice here. However, the jury could only rule on whether he was guilty of 1st degree murder which he clearly wasn't. With no other option he is declared not guilty of 1st degree murder. That is the law and the jury followed the law as presented to them. So if you want to blame someone you need to blame the DA's Office for charging him with the wrong offense or say to hell with the law fry him.

okay i understand the thing. it was not a murder.
But then ? the girl is still dead !! Why is he not charged for something else ? he is the one who fired the bullet, and the fact that he wanted to kil on not is not the center of the case. But I agree that he must be charged with the correct procedure.
the law is supposed to serve people and not the opposite. Here we have exactly the case. The wrong offense ? okay ! then charge him with the right one juste after that !
So if you want to blame someone you need to blame the DA's Office for charging him with the wrong offense or say to hell with the law fry him.
That is a valid question and perhaps in part answers the main question; what was he doing in your country in the first place? The environment in your state is apparently so comfortable for illegals that he felt no compunction about not only being there but also about being in possession of a firearm. It seems like the DA's decision was either totally inept or politically motivated.
That is a valid question and perhaps in part answers the main question; what was he doing in your country in the first place? The environment in your state is apparently so comfortable for illegals that he felt no compunction about not only being there but also about being in possession of a firearm. It seems like the DA's decision was either totally inept or politically motivated.

You have an misconception and an incorrect statement. The misconception is about how he got into the country. Well there is this long border with Mexico which is pretty inhospitable most of the way. Most of which is pretty damn easy to walk across just like it is up north with Canada. Next the illegal then transits a region with a large natural population of Hispanics one finds in Southern California, Arizona and Texas. By the way there are all kinds of illegals in the Bay Area such as Chinese, Filipinos, and Irish all who have overstayed tourist visas. Yes, Irish is an unknown in the Bay Area but there are plenty here because of the history of the Irish in San Francisco. They disappear easily and no one goes looking for them which shouldn't be too hard to figure out why. As for Hispanics I would hazard a guess that there are plenty of illegals in Arizona and Texas also.

My very good friend, Lars, who is Swedish walked through the gates at Tijuana in on a tourist visa. He had been staying in Thailand hiding out as Interpol had a warrant on him for tax evasion in Sweden. You think taxes are bad here try paying 125% of your income if self-employed. Anyway that was back in 1984 and he is now a U.S. citizen and retired.

The incorrect statement is about being in possession of a firearm. He was not. The weapon was stolen from a Federal agents car by an unknown thief and then abandoned down at the pier. The illegal happen to stumble upon the weapon wrapped up in something.
okay i understand the thing. it was not a murder.
But then ? the girl is still dead !! Why is he not charged for something else ? he is the one who fired the bullet, and the fact that he wanted to kil on not is not the center of the case. But I agree that he must be charged with the correct procedure.
the law is supposed to serve people and not the opposite. Here we have exactly the case. The wrong offense ? okay ! then charge him with the right one juste after that !

Double jeopardy now.
You have an misconception and an incorrect statement. The misconception is about how he got into the country. Well there is this long border with Mexico which is pretty inhospitable most of the way.

Wrong... there is no misconception. He waltzed in, not giving a damn about our laws or about our people. 6 TIMES! And committed 7 felonies. Build the wall!

Most of which is pretty damn easy to walk across just like it is up north with Canada.

Difference is, the Canadian people respect our laws and people as we do theirs and them.

The incorrect statement is about being in possession of a firearm. He was not. The weapon was stolen from a Federal agents car by an unknown thief and then abandoned down at the pier. The illegal happen to stumble upon the weapon wrapped up in something.

What crock. If an unknown theif steals a gun he's gonna keep, it not leave it under a park bench. I think we all know who stole it, who kept it and who used it. It probably was accidental but he should've been charged with some degree of manslaughter.

I've got news for you, if it was in his hand and it "went off" it WAS in his possession. Guns don't "Go off" by themselves. Besides in earlier statements he already said he was shooting sea lions, which to me, should be a criminal offense in itself but that's just me. Unless you have a open season on sea lions in CA.
Nuff' Said... I'm out
One last thing by a political cartoonist, Ramirez. Just saw it in the editorial section of the Williamsport paper. Says it all!
In the OP it states the gun was illegal. It was not. A felon possessing a firearm is. But the firearm is legal.
A few posts mentioned federal funds. From where do these funds come? The states!
In the OP it states the gun was illegal. It was not. A felon possessing a firearm is. But the firearm is legal.

If you should ever be caught firing a handgun, stolen from a LEO, make sure you tell them you're not a felon. I'm pretty sure you'll still be 'splaining.

Not being the registered owner of the gun was what it illegal. If he'd handled it without "test firing" at a piece of concrete in a public park we wouldn't be having this conversation.
If I found a gun "just laying there", I'd go find the nearest cop and show it to HIM. Let HIM handle it. That's what they get paid for.
I wouldn't go fondle it and test fire it. WTF. It could been used in a murder for all you know, then you've got your prints all over it? Not me!
But it is something a career criminal might do.

Unfortunately yes, that's why they're criminals. They don't give a crap about anything or anyone but themselves.

How can a foreigner who is in the country illegally be in possession of a firearm legally?

They can't. Plain and simple.
Will they deport all these people before they build the wall or after?, tossing illegals over the wall could become a sport.