What happened to you Us people ?

Gather up every illegal and put them to work on the front firelines in Southern California.
They are there for the free handouts, not to do anything useful or helpful, at least nothing that will benefit the USA.
Mexicans are there to (and are) taking over what they believe was/is theirs, the PC apologists deny the fact that most Mexicans see Americans as their enemies.
This case is proof of that, but we're told it was an accident. And I have this bridge for sale if anyone is interested...
You guys are confusing an illegal item with an illegal act.
The gun was still legal-stolen or not.
The felon in possession is the illegal ACT. It doesnt make the object illegal.
You guys are confusing an illegal item with an illegal act.
The gun was still legal-stolen or not.
The felon in possession is the illegal ACT. It doesnt make the object illegal.

When the OP used the phrase "illegal gun", it's quite understandable to imagine he simply meant "illegal possession". He's from another country, (as the title alludes) and likely isn't familiar with the language/legalities. The technicality changes nothing.

Test-firing it at a wall does. That this imbecile was even in the country to do something so stupid is a factor. US citizens who possess firearms in Mexico with do serious time in jail. That's without ever firing a shot, let alone killing someone.

Gun Charges and Trouble South of the Border

And it is not simply having guns. The same charges apply to possession of ammunition that apply to possession of a weapon, and some United States citizens have been jailed for having anywhere from a box of bullets to a handful of shotgun shells in the car. The charge depends to some degree on the caliber of weapon involved. Anything more powerful than a .38-caliber gun is considered a military weapon.

The number of Americans imprisoned on arms charges in Mexican border towns has soared from just a handful last year to the scores this year, State Department officials said, not because more people have been arrested but because Mexican officials have been prosecuting more cases to the fullest.

''There is not a heck of a lot of difference in the number of arrests,'' said a State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

''What is different, is the outcome of the cases,'' the official said. ''Before, when someone inadvertently entered Mexico with a weapon they were briefly detained and usually informally allowed to return to the U.S. with the weapon seized. Now, in the same situation, they could end up in jail a long, long time.''

The incorrect statement is about being in possession of a firearm. He was not. The weapon was stolen from a Federal agents car by an unknown FELON and then abandoned down at the pier. The illegal happen to stumble upon the weapon wrapped up in something.
Fixed it!

Gather up every illegal and put them to work on the front firelines in Southern California.

I'm all for this!! No training, no equipment or anything. Point your finger and tell them to go fight it, then watch and start laughing your *** off as they burn to death. Brilliant, just absolutely F-ing brilliant!
But now let's look at the new charges.
Illegal person, illegally inside the US.
Felon in possession of a firearm.
Felon in possession of a stolen firearm.
Illegal discharge of a firearm within city limits.
And God knows what other charges the DOJ will throw at him? This dude's going to have a bulls eye on his back for the rest of his life!
The number of Americans imprisoned on arms charges in Mexican border towns has soared from just a handful last year to the scores this year, State Department officials said, not because more people have been arrested but because Mexican officials have been prosecuting more cases to the fullest.
Time to send in the military, Mexico poses a bigger threat to the USA than any country in the Middle East where the focus is on.
Time to send in the military, Mexico poses a bigger threat to the USA than any country in the Middle East where the focus is on.

I'm not feeling the same way . . .The Muslim world wants to infest and takeover . They also have the monetary ability to do do it. The Mexicans are looking for jobs, wearing jeans and sneakers. Not buying up acres of land building temples of worship while planning to wipe out Western ways.
I'm not feeling the same way . . .The Muslim world wants to infest and takeover . They also have the monetary ability to do do it. The Mexicans are looking for jobs, wearing jeans and sneakers. Not buying up acres of land building temples of worship while planning to wipe out Western ways.
I say to hell with all of them, Mexicans, Arabs, etc., etc.
I say to hell with all of them, Mexicans, Arabs, etc., etc.

I've spent some time evaluating my reply to this statement, and I'll just say this... it puts me at a loss for words.

For believe it or not, there are a number of "us" who can recognize the left's war on western culture without a condemnation of any people.

Such a statement is not only poorly constructed, but adds false legitimatcy to the useful-leftist-idiots that attach words like "racist" to anti-globalist (anti-monopoly of power) arguments.
I've spent some time evaluating my reply to this statement, and I'll just say this... it puts me at a loss for words.

For believe it or not, there are a number of "us" who can recognize the left's war on western culture without a condemnation of any people.

Such a statement is not only poorly constructed, but adds false legitimatcy to the useful-leftist-idiots that attach words like "racist" to anti-globalist (anti-monopoly of power) arguments.

Same as you, I was a little taken aback by that comment too. Seems to me that the majority of all people (regardless of their race or where they come from) want the same things such as: an equal opportunity, a stable and better paycheck, less government or other interference in their lives and the freedom to pursue their own idea of happiness. I think its the "agendas" that emanate from both the right and the left that have things gummed up.
I'm not feeling the same way . . .The Muslim world wants to infest and takeover . They also have the monetary ability to do do it. The Mexicans are looking for jobs, wearing jeans and sneakers. Not buying up acres of land building temples of worship while planning to wipe out Western ways.
Agree. Long before taking a military option get control of your borders.
I've spent some time evaluating my reply to this statement, and I'll just say this... it puts me at a loss for words.

For believe it or not, there are a number of "us" who can recognize the left's war on western culture without a condemnation of any people.

Such a statement is not only poorly constructed, but adds false legitimatcy to the useful-leftist-idiots that attach words like "racist" to anti-globalist (anti-monopoly of power) arguments.
I honestly do not care about leftist idiots' opinions, and neither should any decent person care, it's precisely the reason why they have a voice at all.
Do not misconstrue my statement though, all those people have their own countries and that is where they should be, safe from 'white racism', my statement doesn't imply 'hate', simply the realization that we (all human races) are not able to live harmoniously together, so to hell with them, let them do as they wish, but in their own backyards.
Same as you, I was a little taken aback by that comment too. Seems to me that the majority of all people (regardless of their race or where they come from) want the same things such as: an equal opportunity, a stable and better paycheck, less government or other interference in their lives and the freedom to pursue their own idea of happiness. I think its the "agendas" that emanate from both the right and the left that have things gummed up.
My only agenda is to be able to live peacefully and to ensure a prosperous future not just for my own children, but all kids who will carry forth what I/we hold dear, all part and parcel of Western Civilization. As the numbers of non-Westerners in our nations increases, so does the future of our kids become bleaker. It's not difficult to understand where all this 'diversity' is leading.
My only agenda is to be able to live peacefully and to ensure a prosperous future not just for my own children, but all kids who will carry forth what I/we hold dear, all part and parcel of Western Civilization. As the numbers of non-Westerners in our nations increases, so does the future of our kids become bleaker. It's not difficult to understand where all this 'diversity' is leading.

There ya go. . .
For believe it or not, there are a number of "us" who can recognize the left's war on western culture without a condemnation of any people.
This is a very taboo topic in our culture. We must face the reality that we are not a classless society and there is, if not war, at least strong competition between racial and other designated groups. Politically the right incessantly shoots itself in the foot by not recognising the reality of the overwhelmingly leftist media landscape and it's relationship with the deep state. If you think I'm couching my language you are correct. The right needs to be far more circumspect in its public communication in order to fly under the radar while at the same time building strength and shedding the yoke of the guilty white man. In this regard there is a need for education and to look past the barriers of leftist taboos that would prevent knowing the enemy. Sadly many on the right don't know what they don't know and certainly don't know their enemy.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War
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