What would Ben Franklin have to say??


Woodruff Carburetor Specialties
FCBO Vendor
Sep 17, 2011
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"The more the people are discontented with the oppression of taxes, the greater the need the prince has of money to distribute among his partisans and pay the troops that are to suppress all resistance and enable him to plunder at pleasure."

"Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics…derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates."

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

Break for John Adams:

John Adams Quotes
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

end break:

"This Constitution…can only end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."

"Ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation to the prejudice and oppression of another is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy...An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy."
Wonder how many people will actually be willing to stand and defend the US Constitution by exercising their rights when faced with despotism.
Seems to me no one is happy anywhere.
Ben Franklin would call everyone willing to carry this infection to their friends and neighbors a douchebag. The market crashing now is nothing compared to a million or two people dying. It's pretty terrible today and a lot of measures have been taken
Ben Franklin would call everyone willing to carry this infection to their friends and neighbors a douchebag. The market crashing now is nothing compared to a million or two people dying. It's pretty terrible today and a lot of measures have been taken
The effects of economies collapsing around the world is likely to be much worse long term. Homelessness, increased crime rates, unemployment, sickness/disease, suicides, hunger/famine, it could very well be the norm for many years to come.
China has become enemy number 1, we are already hearing the drums of war, the open hostility in the media and elsewhere towards the Chinese is increasing. How many people do you think would perish if it came to open conflict with China?
The effects of economies collapsing around the world is likely to be much worse long term. Homelessness, increased crime rates, unemployment, sickness/disease, suicides, hunger/famine, it could very well be the norm for many years to come.
China has become enemy number 1, we are already hearing the drums of war, the open hostility in the media and elsewhere towards the Chinese is increasing. How many people do you think would perish if it came to open conflict with China?

I made this meme last night so it would be "sharable".

The effects of economies collapsing around the world is likely to be much worse long term. Homelessness, increased crime rates, unemployment, sickness/disease, suicides, hunger/famine, it could very well be the norm for many years to come.
China has become enemy number 1, we are already hearing the drums of war, the open hostility in the media and elsewhere towards the Chinese is increasing. How many people do you think would perish if it came to open conflict with China?

Oh, I don't disagree that our relationship with China is awful and being very poorly handled. My whole post was about people crying about a lack of "freedom" in staying home for a few weeks to not spread infection.

Regarding China, I personally don't mind putting an incredibly heavy import tax on any parts or materials or finished goods coming from China and tax credits for encouraging US-based manufacturing. It will raise the cost of goods dramatically, but it will force wages up.

We need to be a vertically capable country who can source everything and finish it all
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This thread isn’t about China. It is about us being scared out of our rights and freedom. It’s about CBS pawning off an Italian hospital as a New York hospital and getting caught! Our president saying “Fake News” for 3 years and now everything reported is the gospel! I have no doubt there is a deadly virus out there, there always is. But fearmongering has got to be addressed by the people.
This thread isn’t about China. It is about us being scared out of our rights and freedom. It’s about CBS pawning off an Italian hospital as a New York hospital and getting caught! Our president saying “Fake News” for 3 years and now everything reported is the gospel! I have no doubt there is a deadly virus out there, there always is. But fearmongering has got to be addressed by the people.

So the hospitals full of people dying is fake news? My mother is a nurse in a cancer center that has been converted into a Covid-19 unit and the nurses are starting to test positive. It's a real, infectious threat and people aren't taking it seriously enough.

It's not fearmongering to try and avoid another Spanish Flu. It is incompetent to say this is a hoax and not prepare a response until mid-March. Would have been a ton easier to close off travel from China or order Shelter-in-Place three months ago and get ahead of everything.
40-80,000 deaths annually in the U.S. from the flu
Far more have died this year from the flu than the china virus. If we'd taken the same precautions during flu season we are now we'd have wiped the flu out.

Pandemics in Franklin's time decimated populations worldwide. Small pox, the Plague, etc were not unknown to the founders, yet they wrote the Constitution so that our government would not use a pandemic as an excuse to take our basic rights and freedoms, and yet here we are.

Survival rate for china virus is almost 93%
I don’t know guys. This all seems crazy blown out of proportion. 40 million of us out here in California. We have a 0.00078% chance of croaking from this BS using the numbers so far (315 dead out of 40,000,000). Even if we use New York’s sadder numbers of 4758 we get 0.01% chance. Seems kinda far out to me...