What I love about our cars, several have mentioned already. One that has been left out I wouldn't have ever met and chatted with all you knuckleheads, if I didn't own a c-body. :icon_super:
Seriously what I love our cars, that as a hobbyist, they are still a hidden gem. I like this crowd because you guys turn the wrenched too. I have no problem with the value of are cars staying level. It means that I can afford more in the future. I'll never be a flipper, so if I have more in the car then it's worth it doesn't matter, because it my car and my legacy.
It is a different crowd who have never physically touched the car, and who have the money to pay others to do the total restoration of the insanely priced cars. I still appreciate those cars and especially the good shops that do that work, but I have more in common with the guy who doesn't mind a little dirt under the fingernails.
Here's another Goldie shot with her second owner of nearly 40 years, still fighting the good fight.
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