I have my C-Body because I was looking for a replacement for my motorcycle. I used to commute daily by bike, but now I have a 15-month-old and I take her to day care every morning. So I needed something that could hold a baby seat, and I wanted a cool car again. Cars in my past include a Series Land Rover, Cadillac, Dart, Volkswagens (lots of Volkswagens), Peugeot, and lots of bikes. I also like Elwood Engle's styling, so late-60s Chryslers were high on my list.
I basically had a pocket full of cash, and started trolling Craig's List until I came across something I liked. There was a '68 Pontiac wagon with a 425 and a 4-speed which would have been really cool. I came across a low-mile, 1-owner '74 Seville, too. There's a '66 New Yorker for sale nearby (still for sale), too. But I saw my Imperial for sale, and went to see it. It had some issues, and the owner wouldn't deal on the price, but I decided not to care. I bought it.
I totally dig my car.

Edited to add:
One of the things I like is that, although I'm having some issues with Imperial-only parts, there's a lot of commonality with other Chrysler products. A 440/727 is a 440/727. The basic mechanical things to keep it running are very common, unlike with a Cadillac or Lincoln. (I wish the brakes had been that way, though.) I also have a love/hate relationship with Imperial as a separate line. It's fun saying I have a '67 Imperial, and when people ask who makes it, saying, "Imperial." But it is kind of annoying at parts stores. This must be how Continental owners feel.
But I don't know of another '67 Imperial in San Diego. There's a guy with a '65 and a '60, but as was mentioned above, I'm pretty confident that wherever I go, I've got the only one.