Why is this commercial about a Cadillac causing a stir?

"Greed is good" was just a very casual reference to the "Can-do American" belief of old which is dying off as we older Americans die off.
The ad implies it's a return to traditional American values where through hard work you can accomplish anything in America.
But now it is now politically incorrect to be proud to be an American.
Too many F#####G Liberals of Hispanic and Moslem ethnicity in government and the media ready to pounce on an American Caucasion for esposing traditional values that he/she was raised with.
No. It's not a shame. It's disgusting.
It's wonderful when any race except Caucasion is proud of their heritage and celebrate it. When it's Caucasion it's shouted down as being rascist.
I'm a proud American, have a passing interest in my Greek backround and I am NOT a rascist in any way manner or form.
This ad will fail because the well-to-do mid-lifers who are now Cadillac's demagraphics don't have any kinship with that old "America can do it" philosophy.
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I like it. not for the Cad, but a great reminder to snooty Europeans that don't do anything, or produce anything, lecturing us. They live off of us, and our Military protection. Without that, they wouldn't have survived. What a racket. Now Obama sends fighter jets to Nato? I suppose if Europe had any real Military, that wouldn't be necessary.
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By the way, Obama and Kerry just promised $1,000,000,000.00 in aid to the Ukraine.
TO WHERE????????????? WTF
I like it until the Ali mention. I do believe he was a draft dodger. That's what my dad use to say.
I like that commercial. I believe Ali said it was against his religion, basically a draft dodger!
Ole cassius clay played it up to the end. he made more money staying in the spotlight at that time. he was a draft dodger, like Clinton.
"Greed is good" was just a very casual reference to the "Can-do American" belief of old which is dying off as we older Americans die off.
The ad implies it's a return to traditional American values where through hard work you can accomplish anything in America.
But now it is now politically incorrect to be proud to be an American.
Too many F#####G Liberals of Hispanic and Moslem ethnicity in government and the media ready to pounce on an American Caucasion for esposing traditional values that he/she was raised with.
No. It's not a shame. It's disgusting.
It's wonderful when any race except Caucasion is proud of their heritage and celebrate it. When it's Caucasion it's shouted down as being rascist.
I'm a proud American, have a passing interest in my Greek backround and I am NOT a rascist in any way manner or form.
This ad will fail because the well-to-do mid-lifers who are now Cadillac's demagraphics don't have any kinship with that old "America can do it" philosophy.
Ah, gotcha. Them "mid-lifers" have died away with the last "Coup DeVille Elegance" ....Cadillac dropped all those old names.....now its "ATS" or "DTS" (although the Escalade is still around for the hiphop hollywood gangbanger crew).
I like it. The reference to Ali was small and probably the people writing the ad don't even know the whole story.

Good stuff... and aimed at the people that work hard and make their own luck.
I'm a Viet Nam vet and all I can say is that those who dodged the draft in that era were the smart ones ........... I hold NO ill will towards them.
Don't worry, they will print more.



I love the ad............ If it is causing a Stir its everything Stan said and more. It implies the rest of the world doesnt have our drive and they are what they are because of us.... I have been saying to our European brothers here that the rest of the world wants to be us, they follow us, they do what we do, and yet resent us....... The rest of the world doesnt see what we see.
I'm a Viet Nam vet and all I can say is that those who dodged the draft in that era were the smart ones ........... I hold NO ill will towards them.
What disgusts me about that war was how the military people who came back from it were treated by the American public at that time. Shameful.
What disgusts me about that war was how the military people who came back from it were treated by the American public at that time. Shameful.

You don't have to tell me....... The year I spent in Nam was the worse year of my life..... My first year home was a close second .....
In 67 the choice was 2 years active ... or 5 years in a federal prison. It took me another 8 years to get my head screwed on right. Thats all I have to say about that...!

Draft dodgers ....? More power to them.
I like it. not for the Cad, but a great reminder to snooty Europeans that don't do anything, or produce anything, lecturing us.

Being german I am one of the snooty europeans you mean I guess.
We don't produce anything? Germany was the export champion of products and goods from 2003&up just lately passed by China.

The Cadillac ad was wrong. We have 6 weeks of paid holiday a year, not 4 weeks.
The Cadillac ad was wrong. We have 6 weeks of paid holiday a year, not 4 weeks.

Funny that. I'm an American, already racked up 6.5 weeks of vacation for the years and we're only in the first quarter. Though I doubt I'll bring myself to use any more than two of it though.