Why is this commercial about a Cadillac causing a stir?

Now we shouldn't let the facts stand in the way of our tightly held perceptions. Great ad for the new GM - if they want to sell cars to the wealthy in the U.S. - but I thought they wanted Cadillac to be a world brand? That ad will do nothing positive anywhere but here in the U.S possibly.

When the middle class can no longer afford to send their kids to college and the ones that do go end up with $300K worth of student loan debt when they graduate and can not get a full time job, I do not think working hard is all that it takes any more for a lot of people. The world isn't the same as it was when people graduated from college back in the 1970s when a lot of us were doing so. But majoring in electrical engineering might help since there are jobs for hybrid vehicle engineers going unfilled these days. But even then it will take a long time to get rid of that debt and the benefits packages now are nothing like what they were back in the 1970s either. And you can only get a job as a "temp" for the first years and then maybe if you work hard you might get hired as a permanent employee with some benefits.

Being german I am one of the snooty europeans you mean I guess.
We don't produce anything? Germany was the export champion of products and goods from 2003&up just lately passed by China.

The Cadillac ad was wrong. We have 6 weeks of paid holiday a year, not 4 weeks.
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When the middle class can no longer afford to send their kids to college and the ones that do go end up with $300K worth of student loan debt when they graduate and can not get a full time job, I do not think working hard is all that it takes any more for a lot of people. The world isn't the same as it was when people graduated from college back in the 1970s when a lot of us were doing so. But majoring in electrical engineering might help since there are jobs for hybrid vehicle engineers going unfilled these days. But even then it will take a long time to get rid of that debt and the benefits packages now are nothing like what they were back in the 1970s either. And you can only get a job as a "temp" for the first years and then maybe if you work hard you might get hired as a permanent employee with some benefits.

definetly a problem in all western countries
I have been saying to our European brothers here that the rest of the world wants to be us, they follow us, they do what we do, and yet resent us.

Wording is sometimes difficult for me so it is tough to walk on the line.

The capitalism in the US has been the leader a lot of countries followed since the early 50s IMHO
Even though most west european countries have a more socialized capitalism with an excellent social network. One of the major differences. Honestly: I like it that way and I am doing fine with it even though I just paid yet and didn't really receive.

I do understand your concern if it is about people coming into the US and not willing to live the "american" way but stay in their social habits. If they want to live permantly in the US they should try to become a valuable member of the society and not just "takers"
The target market here is certainly not anyone outside the US. It's almost as if it geared to the Cadillac owner (read "affluent") as a plea for acceptance of an electric car (really, if I can afford this vehicle, I can afford $4.00 gas for my CTS with the Corvette engine), that does not need the "branding" of "Look, I'm energy efficient" like the Mercedes SMART cars screamed. Offensive, perhaps to non-Americans, but it has the same feel as the "Imported from Detroit" slogan or the Dodge commercials that basically said "America is great at two things, Freedom and making cars". I liked the ad. "Why did we leave the Moon? Because we were bored!" What a great line. Oh, and really, it's delivered tong-in-cheek, that's pretty obvious.
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The target market here is certainly not anyone outside the US. It's almost as if it geared to the Cadillac owner (read "affluent") as a plea for acceptance of an electric car (really, if I can afford this vehicle, I can afford $4.00 gas for my CTS with the Corvette engine), that does not need the "branding" of "Look, I'm energy efficient" like the Mercedes SMART cars screamed. Offensive, perhaps to non-Americans, but it has the same feel as the "Imported from Detroit" slogan or the Dodge commercials that basically said "America is great at two things, Freedom and making cars". I liked the ad. "Why did we leave the Moon? Because we were bored!" What a great line. Oh, and really, it's delivered tong-in-cheek, that's pretty obvious.
There really IS nothing on the moon, but moon dust. Ok, maybe a little cheese but that's all.
It makes sense to me that Cadillac would be marketing a car like this. There is a market for high end electric cars and the Tesla is proof of that. I looked this up and was surprised that Tesla sold over 18K cars in 2013. That is nothing to sneeze at... especially in luxury car sales.

There's some interesting reading on Wikipedia on their market share.

Funny that. I'm an American, already racked up 6.5 weeks of vacation for the years and we're only in the first quarter. Though I doubt I'll bring myself to use any more than two of it though.
I was in the same boat until an American company took us over and told us we Canadians were too "entitled" and cut everyone's vacation to a max of 5 weeks. "No soup for you!" BTW I rank most Cadillac owners almost as low as Vette owners.
"Greed is good" was just a very casual reference to the "Can-do American" belief of old which is dying off as we older Americans die off.
The ad implies it's a return to traditional American values where through hard work you can accomplish anything in America.
But now it is now politically incorrect to be proud to be an American.
Too many F#####G Liberals of Hispanic and Moslem ethnicity in government and the media ready to pounce on an American Caucasion for esposing traditional values that he/she was raised with.
No. It's not a shame. It's disgusting.
It's wonderful when any race except Caucasion is proud of their heritage and celebrate it. When it's Caucasion it's shouted down as being rascist.
I'm a proud American, have a passing interest in my Greek backround and I am NOT a rascist in any way manner or form.
This ad will fail because the well-to-do mid-lifers who are now Cadillac's demagraphics don't have any kinship with that old "America can do it" philosophy.

What he said. ^^^
Ford has a comeback commercial.

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