You guys see this $&#% storm?

I say "Black Tires Matter",
But they are one heck of a lot better looking with
NICE WIDE WHITEwalls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There IS a distinction. The "BLM" or similar are NOT political in nature, the others are, by definition. A LOT of companies have policies of "no politics" at work listed in their employee handbooks. As long as you work for them, you agree to abide by those policies. Not unlike agreeing to arbitration in employment grievances and such. NOT defending Goodyear, just stating what I know from my own workplace and others.

This is funnier, the crackhead pillow pusher loses it.


Anderson Pooper.
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An observed issue is that in recent times, "social" issues have become more politicized, due to what orientations might support or not support the particular issues. "BLM" and similar are "social" issues. "MAGA" and similar are "political" issues which choose to allegedly glorify certain "political" orientations and "political parties".

While we're on "MAGA", the America I perceived as "great" was in the middle 1960s. When cars were very interesting and sometimes you needed a scorecard to keep up with what was happening EACH model year. When America had a growing and impressive manufacturing sector, which was growing jobs, technology, and might each year. When our military was larger, with TWO Air Forces, etc. A military that was one of the major job drivers in the areas where the MANY military bases/complexes were loacated, too. The influence of JFK was still here, after his death. When his younger brother was killed, in the later 1960s. When many of the racial tensions related to public education had decreased a bit.

Marginal tax rates were higher than in recent times. "Tax and spend"? Yes, that keeps moneyt in circulation and fuels great economies. Taking away the tax part without curbing the "spending" part leads to much larger national deficits, which was a concern back then, but as in later times, a major concern for the ONE political parry who always mentions it when THEY are not in power. Just an observation.

Racism was alive and well back then, too, just that many were somewhat isolated from it, depending upon one's skin color. "Out of sight, out of mind"? But for those involved or subject to it, it was very real and alive.

Yes, I would like a more interesting "car" situation now, but do we really want to go back to some of those other things from back then? Getting back to generally cleaner air and water would be nice, though. But as one of the dynamics of the Federal EPA was to keep America's water, air, and environmental quality good, we NEED to not go backward in that respect. We NEED to treat people with the basic respect which any human being should be worth . . . unless, of course, they might prove otherwise by their actions.

Certainly, all lives matter, but until there is universal recognition of that, it will take some more specificity in that matter in order to get the message across, by observation. BLM is that specificity. Just as LBGTQ lives and rights matter. Just as other lives matter, no matter what. But at this time, the message needs to be "BLM", so that once that is agreed upon, THEN it can be branched out to include everybody else under that umbrella.

There is STILL much work to be done. It is work that NEEDS to be done, for the good of the nation. We need to progress forward in this area, even if it might be a bit painful to reckon with.

As I grew up in Texas, the Civil War and such are just part of the cultural mix down here. Many streets and such names for Civil War operatives. Just the way it is and has been for years. But in the earlier 20th century, there were also many smaller towns which had signs posted at their city limits of "not letting the sun go down if ______ were in that town". Some even had two schools, one for boys, one for girls, too.

There are far two many dynamics in this whole situation for just a simple answer or sound byte. Rather than division, we need to confront these things together rather than draw battle lines in the sand.

But the fact remains, if you work for a company, you abide by its rules and policies. Plain and simple. Similar with patronizing that company/entity, too.

If some might not agree with my orientations, that's fine. I respect that. But this is a time when some careful reflection might be necessary, on all sides of things. Put the selector lever in "Park" (or "N" with the parking brake applied on manual trans vehicles), let the idle speed and oil pressure come back to "hot base idle", then look at what 's going on and consider how it can be made better for all, in the future.

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You really think "BLM" is a social issue? It is the name of a terrorist organization with growing roots in the Democrat party which also makes it a political issue.
It is really pretty clever what they did with their name.
An observed issue is that in recent times, "social" issues have become more politicized, due to what orientations might support or not support the particular issues. "BLM" and similar are "social" issues. "MAGA" and similar are "political" issues which choose to allegedly glorify certain "political" orientations and "political parties".

While we're on "MAGA", the America I perceived as "great" was in the middle 1960s. When cars were very interesting and sometimes you needed a scorecard to keep up with what was happening EACH model year. When America had a growing and impressive manufacturing sector, which was growing jobs, technology, and might each year. When our military was larger, with TWO Air Forces, etc. A military that was one of the major job drivers in the areas where the MANY military bases/complexes were loacated, too. The influence of JFK was still here, after his death. When his younger brother was killed, in the later 1960s. When many of the racial tensions related to public education had decreased a bit.

Marginal tax rates were higher than in recent times. "Tax and spend"? Yes, that keeps moneyt in circulation and fuels great economies. Taking away the tax part without curbing the "spending" part leads to much larger national deficits, which was a concern back then, but as in later times, a major concern for the ONE political parry who always mentions it when THEY are not in power. Just an observation.

Racism was alive and well back then, too, just that many were somewhat isolated from it, depending upon one's skin color. "Out of sight, out of mind"? But for those involved or subject to it, it was very real and alive.

Yes, I would like a more interesting "car" situation now, but do we really want to go back to some of those other things from back then? Getting back to generally cleaner air and water would be nice, though. But as one of the dynamics of the Federal EPA was to keep America's water, air, and environmental quality good, we NEED to not go backward in that respect. We NEED to treat people with the basic respect which any human being should be worth . . . unless, of course, they might prove otherwise by their actions.

Certainly, all lives matter, but until there is universal recognition of that, it will take some more specificity in that matter in order to get the message across, by observation. BLM is that specificity. Just as LBGTQ lives and rights matter. Just as other lives matter, no matter what. But at this time, the message needs to be "BLM", so that once that is agreed upon, THEN it can be branched out to include everybody else under that umbrella.

There is STILL much work to be done. It is work that NEEDS to be done, for the good of the nation. We need to progress forward in this area, even if it might be a bit painful to reckon with.

As I grew up in Texas, the Civil War and such are just part of the cultural mix down here. Many streets and such names for Civil War operatives. Just the way it is and has been for years. But in the earlier 20th century, there were also many smaller towns which had signs posted at their city limits of "not letting the sun go down if ______ were in that town". Some even had two schools, one for boys, one for girls, too.

There are far two many dynamics in this whole situation for just a simple answer or sound byte. Rather than division, we need to confront these things together rather than draw battle lines in the sand.

But the fact remains, if you work for a company, you abide by its rules and policies. Plain and simple. Similar with patronizing that company/entity, too.

If some might not agree with my orientations, that's fine. I respect that. But this is a time when some careful reflection might be necessary, on all sides of things. Put the selector lever in "Park" (or "N" with the parking brake applied on manual trans vehicles), let the idle speed and oil pressure come back to "hot base idle", then look at what 's going on and consider how it can be made better for all, in the future.

I agree with all that you have stated, except embracing BLM until everyone accepts them.
BLM has CHOSEN to incite violence, destruction and hurting people. I find it interesting how quickly the media and politicians have acknowledged and praised that organization.
There are non-violent ways to work on injustices. If an organization is involved in the destruction of property (personal, state or federal), they should be held accountable for their actions and charged for their crimes to the fullest extent of the law.
That last sentence is presently being ignored by the liberal politicians and media and I find that disgusting. And to have a political party ignore this, also makes them an enabler and an accessory to the crimes.
Sorry, I may be being thick here but it looks like GoodYear is denying any affiliation to the Acceptable/Unacceptable screenshot. Can anyone confirm the screenshots of the BLM ignorance was distributed by GoodYear?
Great point!
We need two guys walking in to the plant with one wearing a MAGA hat and one a BLM hat. We'll know for sure then.
You really think "BLM" is a social issue? It is the name of a terrorist organization with growing roots in the Democrat party which also makes it a political issue.
It is really pretty clever what they did with their name.

Yawn... We've been all through this before mate, maybe you were too young to remember, maybe you weren't even here in this country back then or just weren't paying attention.

Here's some snapshots of news footage from back in the 60's to educate or refresh your memory.




Oh yea what was happening back then? We were on the precocious of a population doubling.
Yawn... We've been all through this before mate, maybe you were too young to remember, maybe you weren't even here in this country back then or just weren't paying attention.

Here's some snapshots of news footage from back in the 60's to educate or refresh your memory.

View attachment 396745

View attachment 396746

View attachment 396747

Oh yea what was happening back then? We were on the precocious of a population doubling.

If you think this is the same, then you either are too old to remember or too ignorant to see. :usflag::usflag:
Oh for fucks sake can we just do reparations and get this over already? I have plans for a weave and gold teefeses shop waiting in the wings. I'm tired of waiting to make my money.
An observed issue is that in recent times, "social" issues have become more politicized, due to what orientations might support or not support the particular issues. "BLM" and similar are "social" issues. "MAGA" and similar are "political" issues which choose to allegedly glorify certain "political" orientations and "political parties".

While we're on "MAGA", the America I perceived as "great" was in the middle 1960s. When cars were very interesting and sometimes you needed a scorecard to keep up with what was happening EACH model year. When America had a growing and impressive manufacturing sector, which was growing jobs, technology, and might each year. When our military was larger, with TWO Air Forces, etc. A military that was one of the major job drivers in the areas where the MANY military bases/complexes were loacated, too. The influence of JFK was still here, after his death. When his younger brother was killed, in the later 1960s. When many of the racial tensions related to public education had decreased a bit.

Marginal tax rates were higher than in recent times. "Tax and spend"? Yes, that keeps moneyt in circulation and fuels great economies. Taking away the tax part without curbing the "spending" part leads to much larger national deficits, which was a concern back then, but as in later times, a major concern for the ONE political parry who always mentions it when THEY are not in power. Just an observation.

Racism was alive and well back then, too, just that many were somewhat isolated from it, depending upon one's skin color. "Out of sight, out of mind"? But for those involved or subject to it, it was very real and alive.

Yes, I would like a more interesting "car" situation now, but do we really want to go back to some of those other things from back then? Getting back to generally cleaner air and water would be nice, though. But as one of the dynamics of the Federal EPA was to keep America's water, air, and environmental quality good, we NEED to not go backward in that respect. We NEED to treat people with the basic respect which any human being should be worth . . . unless, of course, they might prove otherwise by their actions.

Certainly, all lives matter, but until there is universal recognition of that, it will take some more specificity in that matter in order to get the message across, by observation. BLM is that specificity. Just as LBGTQ lives and rights matter. Just as other lives matter, no matter what. But at this time, the message needs to be "BLM", so that once that is agreed upon, THEN it can be branched out to include everybody else under that umbrella.

There is STILL much work to be done. It is work that NEEDS to be done, for the good of the nation. We need to progress forward in this area, even if it might be a bit painful to reckon with.

As I grew up in Texas, the Civil War and such are just part of the cultural mix down here. Many streets and such names for Civil War operatives. Just the way it is and has been for years. But in the earlier 20th century, there were also many smaller towns which had signs posted at their city limits of "not letting the sun go down if ______ were in that town". Some even had two schools, one for boys, one for girls, too.

There are far two many dynamics in this whole situation for just a simple answer or sound byte. Rather than division, we need to confront these things together rather than draw battle lines in the sand.

But the fact remains, if you work for a company, you abide by its rules and policies. Plain and simple. Similar with patronizing that company/entity, too.

If some might not agree with my orientations, that's fine. I respect that. But this is a time when some careful reflection might be necessary, on all sides of things. Put the selector lever in "Park" (or "N" with the parking brake applied on manual trans vehicles), let the idle speed and oil pressure come back to "hot base idle", then look at what 's going on and consider how it can be made better for all, in the future.


There is absolutely no justification for what Black Lives Matter is promoting. I've said it before and I will continue to say it. It is the MOST racist organization in the United States today, including the KKK and the Neo-Nazi's. No other group today publicly harasses and threatens violence on others not of their race. For GoodYear to publicly support a racist organization violates their own stated policies. Their ignorance to the goals of BLM further demonstrates the gross negligence on their part to vet who they deem respectable and worthy of support. Does that mean that if I work at GoodYear I would be able to put up signs promoting the KKK or the Neo-Nazi's as they are not political, but rather promoting a "social" issue?

The following is from a city news paper in Louisville Kentucky named The Louisville Eccentric Observer ( This is unedited and you can go to the link and read it on the newspapers website if you don't believe it. You're theory is fine but this organization is indefensible as a "social justice" group. They are domestic terrorists that promote violence, racism and harassment against non-blacks.

Chanelle Helm (photo by Brian Bohannon)


White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader

Aug 16 2017

By Chanelle Helm

[This article is part of a package covering Louisville’s reaction to Charlottesville. Check out the other pieces, including Ricky Jones’ column “Black People Should Arm Themselves Now!” and Erica Rucker’s “America… where are you going?”]

Some things I’m thinking about that should change (in that Southern, black grandmama voice):

1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the **** they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they *** fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.

#RunUsOurLand #Reparations #YouGonLearnToday #RunUsOurMoney •


Chanelle Helm is cofounder and core organizer of Black Lives Matter Louisville.

Louisville Eccentric Observer



The Louisville Eccentric Observer is a privately owned free urban alternative weekly newspaper, distributed every Wednesday in about 700 locations throughout the Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan area, including areas of southern Indiana. Wikipedia

Editor: Keith Stone

Circulation: 25,150

Associate editor: Scott Recker

First issue date: July 1990

Owner(s): Aaron Yarmuth
There is absolutely no justification for what Black Lives Matter is promoting. I've said it before and I will continue to say it. It is the MOST racist organization in the United States today, including the KKK and the Neo-Nazi's. No other group today publicly harasses and threatens violence on others not of their race.

White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader

Aug 16 2017

By Chanelle Helm

[This article is part of a package covering Louisville’s reaction to Charlottesville. Check out the other pieces, including Ricky Jones’ column “Black People Should Arm Themselves Now!” and Erica Rucker’s “America… where are you going?”]

Some things I’m thinking about that should change (in that Southern, black grandmama voice):

1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the **** they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they *** fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.

That the most racist **** I've ever read in my life! Shoot em all I say!
Heard this one today. "If they de-fund the police and someone brakes into my house, do I have to call 811 before I dig the hole after I'm forced to defend my home?"
Saw a few minutes of the Celtics game last night and I noticed they have sayings on their shirts now (Enough,BLM,Whitey Sux,Etc.) Really ???
Football will follow suit I bet !