For Sale 1969 Imp Very nice in Auction MN

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Glad to see your got it!! It is going to a good home. Glad I did get it posted!! Thanks :hatwave::hatwave:
+ 10% buyers fee. 6.5 % sales tax. That's if you can pick it up and not ship it.

Buyers fee is gonna be hard to ditch :), but I THINK that this sale is tax exempt, as I will export the car.. and the auction-site confirmed this..

I called "MN tax authorities", but they referred me to the DMV, and right then, I got some customers in the shop, and had to hang up.. but I will share the info here, when I get that far.
Glad to see your got it!! It is going to a good home. Glad I did get it posted!! Thanks :hatwave::hatwave:

Thanks man :) When I was sure it was over, and had reloaded the page a few times, I danced around like Gene Kelly, and hugged my kid, and swung him around the living room, and he looked super happy too..! Fantastic..!
Congratulations. You do know that you can still be a member here, right?

Thanks man..!

Ha ha, yes.. I sure hope so.. I consider this place "home" !

I WAS really nervous all day, but now I am HAPPY.. and it even looks like I am getting myself a 1969 shop manual again... I lost mine, when my 300 was "half-gone" in Poland for a few years.. !

8-Tracks (Large).jpg

However, I think that I may have to swap a few of those 8-Tracks, with some period correct JAZZ ! :70s_rule:

THANKS AGAIN GUYS !! Super cool to be able to share this "Imperial joy" with all of you... everybody else here, is sleeping !!

8-Tracks (Large).jpg

Back armrest (Large).jpg

Back seat1 (Large).jpg

Bacl seat 2 (Large).jpg

Bench (Large).jpg

Dash (Large).jpg

Dash 2 (Large).jpg

Dash Pass (Large).jpg

Door jab sticker (Large).jpg

Door pass (Large).jpg
Make sure you get in touch with them. The fine print says must be picked up Friday. That's the only reason I didn't bid on it.
Congratulations, Chryslerdude. Great looking car, going to a good home. - If you have to have it picked up by tomorrow, why not ask some local Mopar shop go fetch it? I contacted Troy Martinson at The RT Garage in Belle Plain MN on my '70 New Yorker Coupe project. He sounded like a nice guy, and I have read only good feedback on him. Just my 50 cents.
Congratulations, Chryslerdude. Great looking car, going to a good home. - If you have to have it picked up by tomorrow, why not ask some local Mopar shop go fetch it? I contacted Troy Martinson at The RT Garage in Belle Plain MN on my '70 New Yorker Coupe project. He sounded like a nice guy, and I have read only good feedback on him. Just my 50 cents.

Thanks.. But before bidding, I actually made an agreement with the auction-ppl's about storage, (They were surprisingly friendly, and accommodating in that regard), but IF it should turn out that I am going over there to pick it up myself, I will "shirley" plan my route to include Troy's, to have the Imp checked out, before I make the drive to Virginia Beach.

Thanks for the tip man ! :)K
I can go get it for you if you want! Congratulations on the sweet score, take good care of it, as I'm sure you will!
Incredible car, I'm very happy for you Kasper! If I were a fuselage guy I would have wanted this one too.
In the middle of the joy, I do feel a little sad too, coz somewhere out there, is another C-guy, (bidder 13997) , who's probably equally sad now.. :-(
Do NOT DO that. Feeling sad. 9 times out of 10 you kept it out of the hands of a scumbag flipper.
That is always how I have looked at it.
That is one "CLASSY SWEET RIDE" !!! Congratulations on your acquisition of this true classic.

Wow, Kasper, that's a gorgeous car! Congratulations! Not much to do on this one, it seems!

Have fun with it!

And if you need any help with your new girl, let me know!
I can give you the information about the shipping company I used if you want.
is first time lve seen those shark lights...these rare?? likeing them though
Careful... Troy, and his group are the Rev n nator creators there isn't any information on them cause I think they pay people to stay quiet. Just a word of caution.

I contacted Troy Martinson at The RT Garage in Belle Plain MN on my '70 New Yorker Coupe project. He sounded like a nice guy, and I have read only good feedback on him. Just my 50 cents.
Incredible car, I'm very happy for you Kasper! If I were a fuselage guy I would have wanted this one too.

Thanks a lot Matt..

I am SO happy about this, and just can't wait to "meet".. and even better, to see her in my driveway with her Mopar family, "Older brother Charger", and overworked "Uncle Vert".. :-D
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