1958 Plymouth Starter likes to smoke!!


Nov 8, 2023
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Happy Holidays!!

The starter in my 1958 Plymouth Belvedere seems to be struggling. It does not spin the engine over fast enough to start it. I've tried several batteries which I know are good and it turns slowly with all of them. I even added a booster pack to a freshly charged battery and it still turned over slowly. I also installed new battery cables and a new cable to the starter and no change. I tried adding an extra ground strap but that did not help. I finally removed the starter and spun it over with no load on it and the pitch starts out high and then immediately drops down low and then goes up and down. After a few seconds it started smoking a little out of the rear end. I was going to check the brushes but can't get the screws out of the case. Looking at the starter it has the factory tag on the side so it might be original, but still thinking it needs rebuilt or replaced.

Does anyone know if any starter from a later model car is a good replacement? Most places I see want around $300 for a rebuilt starter.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
NO newer starters will work.
61 and older only.

Im not sure about interchange
between small and big block
Also between manual and auto.
Best to get yours rebuilt
Happy Holidays!!

The starter in my 1958 Plymouth Belvedere seems to be struggling. It does not spin the engine over fast enough to start it. I've tried several batteries which I know are good and it turns slowly with all of them. I even added a booster pack to a freshly charged battery and it still turned over slowly. I also installed new battery cables and a new cable to the starter and no change. I tried adding an extra ground strap but that did not help. I finally removed the starter and spun it over with no load on it and the pitch starts out high and then immediately drops down low and then goes up and down. After a few seconds it started smoking a little out of the rear end. I was going to check the brushes but can't get the screws out of the case. Looking at the starter it has the factory tag on the side so it might be original, but still thinking it needs rebuilt or replaced.

Does anyone know if any starter from a later model car is a good replacement? Most places I see want around $300 for a rebuilt starter.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Take it to a reputable starter/alternator rebuilding shop.
I wouldn't give up what might be an original starter.
Get it rebuilt and you'll never touch it again.
Thanks for the advice. I dropped the starter off to get rebuilt. Looking at the starter I saw the original Chrysler corporation tag on it so I'm assuming it's original.
I bet it is for a poly 318 in 1958. Yes expensive, you did good taking it to a reputable rebuilder. Found this on for c bodies:
What works then? Every parts store I've looked at says unavailable

You might have to have to have yours rebuilt. Try E-bay for starter MDU 3453, MDU 6001, MDM 6001, these are likely to fit. Might be able to tell if they look like the one you have.

Dave 1960 318 Poly Starter?
I got my starter back and it looks and works great. The shop repainted it but was careful not to paint over the factory "Chrysler" tag. After some confusion with the push button transmission I was finally able to get my car started for the very first time!!!
The shop charged $150.

Also, is there an adapter to replace the canister type oil filter on these engines? I prefer a spin on filter to this cartridge type. I'm also having an issue getting the filter housing to seal. It keeps puking oil all over the ground.
I think Hemi Hot Heads? makes an adapter.
As far as filter leaking, make sure the gasket has not slipped out or an old one was left in there.
There is also a torque value on the bolt that ends up being tighter than one would do just by feel.
Off hand I don't remember the torque but I think it is 25ftlb. but please don't take my word on that.

What I do is put grease on the gasket so it stays in place on the engine then put the canister with filter and bolt up to it and tighten down.
That's right, the LA 318 oil filter adapter is the same as the poly 318. HotHeads doesn't offer anything like that, but you can get it from online sources or ebay.

Re: oil filter conversion

Post by rstahler » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:48 am

The part numbers are as follows: 2402103 Plate Oil 906900 $15.20; 4897939-AA Gasket Oil 900100 $4.70; 3671602 Adapter 904600 $24.00 BILL LUKE Chrysler in Phoenix, AZ got the parts. It took Mr Borseth less then 5 minutes to find and order the parts. The other two dealerships I went to didn't know how to look anything up.

oil filter conversion - Sweptline.ORG

The shop charged $150.

Also, is there an adapter to replace the canister type oil filter on these engines? I prefer a spin on filter to this cartridge type. I'm also having an issue getting the filter housing to seal. It keeps puking oil all over the ground.
Jakter is right, mine leaked too with new seals and at last resort I tightened it more than I thought it should be and it stopped leaking, go figure.

Re: oil filter conversion

Post by rstahler » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:48 am

The part numbers are as follows: 2402103 Plate Oil 906900 $15.20; 4897939-AA Gasket Oil 900100 $4.70; 3671602 Adapter 904600 $24.00 BILL LUKE Chrysler in Phoenix, AZ got the parts. It took Mr Borseth less then 5 minutes to find and order the parts. The other two dealerships I went to didn't know how to look anything up.

oil filter conversion - Sweptline.ORG

Will this work on my 301 poly?
Yep, I used a torque wrench and 25 ft/lbs and the leak stopped. I would have never imagined it needed to be tightened that much. I probably had it at 10 or 15.....Thanks so much for the suggestion.