back in the saddle again...has been a bumpy year for me to say the least....keeps me honest
now where was l....engine tear down..greasy ****...welp its almost at a end with completeion of the engine this week with just intake and valley pan to install along with lifters.....aside from timeing chain plastic takein a dive engine was in pretty good condition for the most wear showing on push rods or rocker arms...everything in crank was pretty tight and figureing its a 70 warrentee engine would have low milage..
replaced cam & cam bearings...a first for me...and 2 sets of seals to pull it off

..note of caution...dont by the cheap cam tool on amazon..thier cheap and calf easly...borrow or rent
Replaced valve seals and cleaned up valves and heads
Replaced oil pump...water pump ...timeing chain and timein case cover seal along with a new front tranny pretty well covered...
Hopefully l put it back together correctly and dosnt blow up...hell if it blows up at least it started....
nothin like kickin back and contenplateing your work......amrealy likein how the valve covers turned out considerin they came with the Fury....seems to be a blue theme goin strong in this GT
Plans are to get engine in in the next few days with Tobias's help and start buttoning up the engine bay in the next few weeks....then will have to sort out stearing colum,get dash in..sort out that then engine bay and see if l get all my sigs..heater fan lights ect before l put front clip back together...little luck in a cpl mnths or sooner should be able to get lights radio ect and get starter to turn engine over......all new **** to me

..and there we have it